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Supersonic 07-10-2020 07:03 AM

Rate: American Reckoning
Aloha !

I think it's the first decent song in years. It's clear there's no band behind him anymore to help with the arrangements though. It's a shame the music's not allowed to breathe more, the harmonica solo could break things open but it doesn't. It's why songs produced like this are forgettable, the arrangement isn't surprising or entertaining enough to keep me listening and wanting to hear it again. The chorus isn't that great with your usual "stay alive, stand your ground" nonsense that needs to be in every Bon Jovi song. I've also got a hard time listening to Jon sing on studio records, the way he pronounces some words sound like he's had a stroke at times. Overall, still not bad and it sounds a lot more honest than drivel like Knockout.


Salaam Aleikum,

liljovi93 07-10-2020 07:14 AM

I think that's the first time I've ever read someone say something is decent then just give negative points [emoji23]

I don't disagree, though.

The lyrics are the best thing about it. The harmonica solo seemed a bit out of place on my first listen but when I got the chance to sit down and listen, it fits quite well.

Jon's delivery is what's letting a lot of songs down now. Hardly any key changes, the melody doesn't pick up, the chorus is whiny and quite hard for me to enjoy.

4/10 for me.

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danfan 07-10-2020 07:48 AM

I don't know if it's because it feels forced, but I don't care for it at all. I won't get into the arrangement. No point anymore. Can't imagine I would even listen to this a 2nd time.

steel_horse75 07-10-2020 09:12 AM

Rate: American Reckoning

Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1265319)
Aloha !

I think it's the first decent song in years. It's clear there's no band behind him anymore to help with the arrangements though. It's a shame the music's not allowed to breathe more, the harmonica solo could break things open but it doesn't. It's why songs produced like this are forgettable, the arrangement isn't surprising or entertaining enough to keep me listening and wanting to hear it again. The chorus isn't that great with your usual "stay alive, stand your ground" nonsense that needs to be in every Bon Jovi song. I've also got a hard time listening to Jon sing on studio records, the way he pronounces some words sound like he's had a stroke at times. Overall, still not bad and it sounds a lot more honest than drivel like Knockout.


Salaam Aleikum,

Pretty much this.

Again, like the last few albums the production reeks of shanks. Jon’s voice isn’t great, thought it was Willie Nelson singing at first. I like the harmonica as it’s something different.

It’s the best out of the 4 we’ve heard so far (not that the other 3 were any competition) but it’s another song I won’t be buying. Thats 3 on the bounce now. I only bought unbroken for the cause, listened once. Never again.

I guess this is modern day Bon Jovi now. But it’s not for me. Springsteen and Dylan do this type of song much better.

Glad those who enjoy do.

Dreading the album from what we’ve heard so far.

4/10 - decent effort by modern day standards.

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nickolai 07-10-2020 09:13 AM

It is not something I will ever listen to. It’s utter drivel.

If Jon put the whole band behind it and had an “undivided” feel to it, it could be more tolerable. It’s just boring and the lyrics are mediocre at best.


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YOVANAfromPeru 07-10-2020 09:40 AM

In this song JBJ's voice doesn't sound awkward like in Do What You Can... but it's too slow for my taste.
I like more Limitless, then this one, Do What You Can and lastly Unbroken.
No way I'm gonna download this song on iTunes, sorry.

Bounce7800 07-10-2020 10:19 AM


Treating it as a bonus track and something extra. Its not something I'd choose to listen to as it's pretty dull, despite being lyrically good. It's why I'm not one of those who think Jon should go into acoustic storyteller mode as it will just end up with monotone dreary songs.

But kudos for giving us something extra, out of nowhere, and tying into current events for 2020. Just not for me.

Thinny 07-10-2020 10:27 AM


I agree that this is the best thing We've heard from them in 2020. I like the lyrics, but they read better than they play out in the song. I guess it's Jon's delivery again. It is very Spingsteen, but that's no bad thing. I think that this is exactly the kind of music Jon should be doing nowadays, but as a JBJ solo project, not as the band.

I can understand why some people might find it boring, but as someone suggested in another thread, I don't think this would work as a high octane "I Believe" style rocker at all. I think the stripped back approach really works for this song.

The only thing I've really enjoyed from the band this year really. I still can't stand Unbroken, Limitless grew on me a little, but was more of the same formula we've been getting over and over and We Do What We Can was just ok at best.

james_d 07-10-2020 10:41 AM

I enjoy the song, I've been generous and given it a 7, certainly agree that it's more of a JBJ song than BJ one. Certainly good lyrics etc, and I do like the harmonica a lot. But yeah, I don't know how much I'll actually listen to it, as music is often a way to get away from the world for me more than anything else.

rolo_tomachi 07-10-2020 10:58 AM

I like the theme of the song, but the lyrics and melody repeat a little in those four and a half minutes. The harmonica is the best... I wish there had been more harmony in this. Feeling that it will fit very well into the album.

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