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Captmorgs 04-14-2022 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by hackster73 (Post 1278987)
it's a real shame he dropped the acoustic set.. this part could have had some different songs..

I'd die for you
Love for sale
Never say goodbye
Last man standing
Bells of freedom
Superman tonight

There are so many songs that could have been rotated into that set. Missed opportunity.

God I’d love Superman Tonight acoustic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

GabrielC 04-14-2022 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1278996)
Sorry, but if Wanted is too hard to sing, retire. Do the remainder of the shows and shut down.

If you're unable to perform any the big four (Wanted, Prayer, It's My Life and Bad Name) there's zero reason to touring.

I would be OK with them not playing IML and Bad Name, but Wanted and Prayer are the most important songs of this band. If they are unable to play, then I agree. Time to retire.

Captain_jovi 04-14-2022 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by GabrielC (Post 1278998)
I would be OK with them not playing IML and Bad Name, but Wanted and Prayer are the most important songs of this band. If they are unable to play, then I agree. Time to retire.

Problem is this isn't about our side of the pond. We are few, they are many. People are there FOR IML, Bad Name, Wanted, Prayer. Not the rare stuff, not the album cuts. These song are their memories. I'm with you, I could go a show without hearing most of the hits. Sadly those four NEED to be there. The others hits are varying levels of success but once you can't deliver the calling cards it's useless. I can't imagine the crowd got very loud for Leavin, LTOR, or most of the other sons.

mabsey 04-14-2022 08:19 PM

Ok, from a singing perspective now, and purely that, it's clear he has vocal chord issues, either allergy or swelling or other reasons, because Jon is stuck largely in Chest Voice and it's why they are lowering the key. In singing, you need something called Chord Closure, its where your vocal folds close together to produce sound, and Jon is struggling with this, and leaking air so everything sounds breathy and shaky. To hit higher notes, you need a mixed voice, and this needs a lot of support and good chord closure, without it, the higher range is very hard.

I can sing Bon Jovi songs without issue normally, but this morning, I woke up with a slight sniffle, its not a cold, you wouldn't even know I have a cold, but that little sniffle has knocked my vocals out, so people shouldn't be so hard on a 60 year old guy who has been touring most of his life, things should come back.

I believe he suffers from Hay Fever, and checking the early shows, the Pollen count was high. Last night it was low to none, and I notice he had better chord closure last night, so I think this maybe related.

In terms of timings on some songs, this is where the inner ear pieces really knock your confidence. You know you sung the last verse bad, so you start over thinking, you effectively don't want to hear yourself, so you end up pausing before singing a verse hoping your not going to go to crap on it, and generally just over thinking singing.

Whilst it is horrible to watch a singer in this situation, I do feel for him, I think providing he can get his chords under control, he will return to a level of stability once again.

bonjovi90 04-14-2022 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by mabsey (Post 1279004)
I believe he suffers from Hay Fever, and checking the early shows, the Pollen count was high. Last night it was low to none, and I notice he had better chord closure last night, so I think this maybe related.

I would give that a pass if it was the outdoor shows in May in Europe where he usually suffered from it. But he's had these or similar issues with breathing, timing and sounding off since more or less 2013 and couldn't have always been allergies of hay fever for almost a decade now. It seems he just has abused his vocal chords to the point of no return, unfortunately.

Captain_jovi 04-14-2022 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by mabsey (Post 1279004) people shouldn't be so hard on a 60 year old guy who has been touring most of his life, things should come back..

From the perspective of this tour, got it. From the perspective of watching him decline from 2013 to now? I don't buy this. I get what you're saying from a scientific standpoint but he has not improved since 2013. We're not being hard on the guy for having voice issues this tour, it's an all over general decline while not doing much to supplement it. High ticket costs, still stagnant (improved but stagnant) setlists while sounding like that is a bit of a gut punch.

This is very close to the stale stale stale stale "Richie is still drunk and on drugs" point of view, I think something medical is going on with both of them we don't know about. Jon's voice is done but is it because of over-use, not taking care of it, or something bigger? Whose to say but I don't think this is a ten year allergic reaction.

blazeofglory 04-14-2022 09:07 PM

I can certainly see hay fever being a contributing factor when he has particularly bad vocal days (compared to his "better" vocal days nowadays), but as someone who's got what probably qualifies as the worst hay fever in the world I'm very sure that's not the (main) issue here.

Allergies can definitely wreck your voice for a while, but he's always struggling all year round and has been struggling continuously for quite a long time, and his vocal issues also don't really seem like the type of issues you get on bad allergy days - at least in my personal experience. His voice during the Slippery tour sounded closer to an "allergy voice" (even though that wasn't the issue of course) than his current voice does.

bonjovi90 04-14-2022 09:39 PM

There are certain shows from the Bounce tour where his hay fever problems were quite noticeable, Hyde Park immediately coming to mind.

Javier 04-14-2022 09:55 PM

Am I missing something?? Wanted was played! And it was played in the main set. :?

james_d 04-14-2022 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1279012)
Am I missing something?? Wanted was played! And it was played in the main set. :?

As an audible though

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