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rocknation 06-05-2017 06:55 AM

Newest members of the Self-Snitching Hall of Brainless -- what part of "house arrest" do they not understand?

(Fashion tip: Illegal weapons don't coordinate well with monitor ankle bracelets.)

rocknation 06-05-2017 07:08 AM

You thought this guy was a total idiot?

Burn a hole in my tongue before I'd rat. If anything did the Snitching it was this (Facebook) shit... (It)...Done Gave The Police...Too Much Info...

You ain't seen nothing yet...

22-year-old Breon Hollings...was seen flaunting handfuls of cash during a Facebook Live stream...while speaking to the camera, but (he) becomes distracted when he sees lights outside of his window...

Poor guy didn't even have time to flush it down the toilet...

rocknation 06-28-2017 07:35 AM

What part of "being on probation" does he not understand?
The 2017 BET Awards included a tribute to the recently deceased rapper Prodigy, a charity celebrity basketball game, a video appearance by former first Lady Michelle Obama, and the announcement of a reunion tour of New Edition. But what really stole the show was the undercard: at pre- and post-BET award events, no less than half a dozen brawls broke out between rival hiphop factions.

The main event took place between rappers Sarafee and Meek Mill:

Did you note Safaree said he saw Meek get out of a car? Not according to Meek -- he posted an alibi:

To which someone responded by posting video of Meek getting out of a car:

Of course, denying he was there doesn't prove that he ordered or helped plan Sarfaree's ambush. But it doesn't help matters that he told TMZ this:

...(R)olling SUPER deep with bodyguards (Mill) ducked and dodged questions about Safaree claiming Meek ordered his crew to jump him...(T)hen Meek gets into Safaree's request for a 1-on-1 fight straight up. As he puts it, he's a "Don" ... and Dons don't fight. Okay, bud.
And here's why it doesn't help matters:
(Mill) was found guilty for a parole violation again on December 17, 2015...He was sentenced to 90 days of house arrest...was not allowed to work and was required to do daily community service...Additionally, he was also sentenced to six more years of probation...

That's right -- Meek Mill may have just self-snitched his way into getting thrown back in jail! If he'd lie about being there while video cameras were rolling in broad daylight, why should the court believe that he neither ordered nor helped organize Sarafee's ambush?

rocknation 06-28-2017 07:36 PM

Self-Snitching: Its Not Just For Hiphoppers Anymore

There are millions of intelligent people out there who also happen to be ****** fans, but the guy with the Nazi tattoos who was arrested...after his friend posted their ****** tickets on Facebook is not one of them...

(B)efore you feel too sorry for him and his ruined Saturday night, (he)...was arrested on charges of aggravated kidnapping...(O)ne of his friends posted a picture of his confirmation email for ****** tickets on Facebook, along with a seating chart marked with the exact spot where he and his "plus one" would be sitting...(S)heriff’s deputies showed up at the concert, and -- well, there they were...
If you must know the specific details, click here -- out of consideration for both the band and their (intelligent) JoviTalk fans, I am withholding that information. Instead, I will simply dedicate a song...

rocknation 07-02-2017 11:55 PM

The wrong rapper takes a stand against rap concert violence:

ProvidenceJournal: 24 hours...after gunfire broke out as he was performing at the Power Ultra Lounge (in Arkansas)...Ricky Hampton...also known as Finese 2Tymes...was arrested...(in Alabama)...on outstanding charges of aggravated assault with a gun....

The shooting capped a violent week in Arkansas...Police had responded to a dozen drive-by shootings over the previous nine days...(Police) believe the shooting stemmed from a dispute in the crowd and may be gang-related...Twenty-five people between the ages of 16 and 35 suffered gunshot wounds...(N)o arrests have been made...

A woman who answered a phone number listed on Finese 2Tymes’ Instagram account for booking said the rapper didn’t consider canceling the (Alabama) show despite the shooting, because he wasn’t responsible for what happened...
The fight probably started in the audience? These days, that's downright refreshing. However, Finese 2Tymes IS "responsible" for not "considering" that the cops were looking for him -- or did he need the income from the Alabama gig to pay a lawyer?

rocknation 07-14-2017 09:37 PM


Newsweek: After assaulting a woman and streaming it live on Facebook, two...teens have been arrested...

Police were tipped off about the assault video Tuesday after it had gone viral, receiving around 48,000 views on Facebook.
And at least one of those 48,000 snitched to the cops? Party poopers!


The video had initially been removed, but a copy was posted again...
There! that'll show 'em...unless the police re-posted it in hopes of coming with a suspect....


According to a(n)...analysis, at least 45 instances of violence were enacted on Facebook Live, including murders, rapes, shooting, child abuse, torture, suicides and attempted suicides... Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s creator, announced that the company would be hiring an additional 3,000 employees to improve Facebook’s report reviewing system...
Well, that's not Zuckerberg's fault, is it? Nonethless, he'll need ten times that many employees to clean up the mess on his latest acquisition Instagram...

rocknation 07-18-2017 07:29 PM


TMZ: According to court docs...(r)apper 40 Glocc was among 4 people arrested in a prostitution sting in February (2017)...

(Glocc)...drove a woman to an unknown location after an undercover cop contacted her through an (online) ad...The woman was arrested...(C)ops noticed a Bluetooth headset around her neck with a live call on the phone...

(T)he car that dropped her off took off...Cops ultimately located the car and found Glocc with cuts on his hands from allegedly smashing multiple cell phones in his possession to avoid detection...He's out on bail and has a hearing set in October.
He deserves credit for being smart enough to REALIZE that he was self-snitching. And you'll be happy to know that 40 Glocc has been making the most of not being in jail -- by winning $200K USD in a lawsuit against a rapper who beat him up, and getting shot at during a funeral!

rocknation 07-23-2017 11:32 PM

It may be time to close down this thread...presenting the self-snitcher du tutti self snitchers...
When’s cocaine disappeared from his car, he made a phone call.

To (the) police.

David that someone had stolen...about $50 and a quarter ounce of cocaine...from his car...while it was parked...

(S)ome cocaine still lingering on the center console next to a crack well as a crack pipe on the car floor near the driver’s seat.

Blackmon was...charged with...possessing drug paraphernalia and possessing cocaine...He was...later released...pending $4,000 bail...

The moral of this story: if there's anything worse than selling OR using illegal drugs, it's selling AND using illegal drugs!!!

rocknation 07-25-2017 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation
Self-Snitching: Its Not Just For Hiphoppers Anymore

And this just in: It's not just for criminals anymore, either!


Officer Richard Pinheiro puts a bag of pills under some trash in an alley. He then walks to the street. He then switches on his camera, walks back to the alley, and acts like he just found the drugs for the first time...apparently (he) didn’t realize that body cameras often save the last 30 seconds of footage before they’re manually activated...

The...prosecutor dropped the charges...Although, in a troubling development, the prosecutor apparently used Pinheiro as an eyewitness in a separate case — even after learning of his misconduct in the video...

rocknation 07-27-2017 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1226410)
When’s cocaine disappeared from his car, he made a phone call. To (the) police.

TMZ: ...(M)ore than 5 years after a warrant was issued for (his)...arrest...former New York Yankees star...Danny Tartabull...has finally been captured...

(He)...owes more than $275k in unpaid child support...and (in 2012) was ordered to...serve 180 days in jail, but never turned himself in...(He) has basically been under the radar...until...he called report that his car had been broken into...

Tartabull was the American (Baseball) League's highest paid player in 1992 after signing a 5 year, $27 million deal.

Well, let's be fair -- children can learn how to take care of themselves; cars can't!

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