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rokenrola 11-03-2019 02:55 PM

I really want to know age of some forum members here because that tells a lot about to be fan and about comments here. Specially age of the most negative people here. I am fan since I was 12 years old,from 1992. and I am sorry if I tell someone who is born from 1990 to 2000 that he or she cant be on the same level like I am as a fan,it is impossible. But I am surprised to read that I am not for discussion from the people who constantly give lections to others and spread negative energy here. If we discuss then discuss the song and not opinions of the people about the song. Like someone said here,you fell the song or not,it is all about that.

Alphavictim 11-03-2019 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1259773)
Well, there you go. Shock horror, still. The same question still goes for you though; Who's more credible?

Please don't act like being cynical makes you more credible and is "objectively" more sound. At least the guy's having fun.

JackieBlue 11-03-2019 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1259781)
Please don't act like being cynical makes you more credible and is "objectively" more sound. At least the guy's having fun.

Thank you!

nickolai 11-03-2019 03:18 PM

People need to stop arguing because it is drawing away from the fact that Unbroken is the most shambolic Jovi song since day dot.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Alphavictim 11-03-2019 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1259784)
People need to stop arguing because it is drawing away from the fact that Unbroken is the most shambolic Jovi song since day dot.

I don't mind the song, but yes, it is 100% what some people on here don't want BJ to be. It is very "official" - not exciting - and reminds me of the Circle album with WAN's production.

But let's also not pretend that the point of listening to music is to come to the right opinion on it, the one that will grant you credibility with 40 year old strangers on the internet who themselves think that going on about this exiciting new and young band, Oasis, in 2019 is any less of an outdated cultural fixation than the one the housewives they used to make fun of when they were young themselves used to have.

Rdkopper 11-03-2019 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1259781)
Please don't act like being cynical makes you more credible and is "objectively" more sound. At least the guy's having fun.


Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

JackieBlue 11-03-2019 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1259773)
...Why is it hard to accept that this sound just doesn't cut it for a lot of people? Why do people like you prefer mediocre and shitty music over no music at all? ...

Why is it so hard for people to accept that not everyone shares the same opinion they have, about the music or anything else; and that, strangely enough, that doesn't mean they're blind, deaf, stupid, or have no taste? You're no better at accepting that than anyone else, Seb.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one; they're all different; and one is no better or worse than another.

JackieBlue 11-03-2019 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1259784)
People need to stop arguing because it is drawing away from the fact that Unbroken is the most shambolic Jovi song since day dot.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Whether people agree with your opinion of the song or not, that's hilarious! :D

rolo_tomachi 11-03-2019 04:40 PM

Someone said (could it be phil?) that the new album will be released in spring 2020. Does that mean we can't listen to the album until March-May next year? Or maybe there is a plan to get it out before?


rokenrola 11-03-2019 04:43 PM

If someone choose to be negative about everything that bend do,ok be that but dont be critic to someone that likes what bend do. I am not fan of WAN as whole but I like couple of songs. Just because I like 3 or 4 songs and not the rest it doesnt change my opinion about band and their work to start call them very rough names. I love the band,I love every single member of the band not just Jon,like someone here likes to put it. I dont have often chance to see them live like others. Because of that I collected every single concert they have done,official or bootleg,every song they taped. And if I am for that fan of shitty music then I ll continue to be,just like I continue to listen many old bands that are near close to BJ by popularity today in terms of tour specially and they are fade away long ago but they are still great in my book.

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