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NicoRourke 07-16-2013 09:21 PM

I just don't get how people are ready to forget about Richie.

The man behind tons of music we've been following for years. All the solos you're listening to on BJ albums. In every concert, bootleg, video, everything.

And now because of this situation we don't know much about some of you are almost saying they don't want him back.

Burning what we once loved - how typically human. And the short memory too.

I for one want Richie back, and won't support a 'Richieless' Bon Jovi.

Yes the way he left was wrong, but that's the only thing we can say that we know for sure. The rest is speculation. And if Richie had enough of something band-related, he has every right to do so. Just his way of doing things was wrong.

And on topic I like what X is doing on that stage, but it's just not the same.

ticos_stick 07-16-2013 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by NicoRourke (Post 1146693)
I just don't get how people are ready to forget about Richie.

Burning what we once loved - how typically human. And the short memory too.

Turncoats. Every last one of them.

TwinFan 07-16-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1146687)
These days Phil seems to have more fans :D

I think the reason for that lies in the uncertainty this time around. In 2011, we knew immediately that Richie was in rehab for alcohol abuse, but he would be back by the end of the tour. And we knew that immediately. The situation was handled rather professionally by all parties. This time around is quite the opposite, with no clear explanation, no clear timelines, rumors ablaze, and an unprofessional Richie tweeting about his fashion and solo work when the band and Phil X is working their asses off on the tour.

I've had a hell of a lot of respect for Phil X since the first instance 2 years ago. He's an excellent guitarist, and though his style isn't 100% spot on for the Bon Jovi sound, he does his job and does it well, while at the same time knowing his boundaries as a fill-in guitarist for the band. Quite simply, he's filling the bill and having a ****ing blast out there.

It seems as if some people think that being happy, supportive, and welcoming of Phil is mutually exclusive with loving Richie and wanting him to return happy and healthy. For me, it would be devastating if Richie was given the permanent boot. He is indeed my favorite guitarist of all time, but in this time where he's confusing his fanbase and bandmates, I can't help but be frustrated by him. At the same time, I'm supportive of Phil X, because, simply, he's done nothing wrong.

I truly hope Richie comes back, ready to rock, because that's what he does well. But until then, Phil X is a good replacement. I just can't help but like the guy.

jessycardy 07-16-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by NicoRourke (Post 1146693)
I just don't get how people are ready to forget about Richie.

The man behind tons of music we've been following for years. All the solos you're listening to on BJ albums. In every concert, bootleg, video, everything.

And now because of this situation we don't know much about some of you are almost saying they don't want him back.

Burning what we once loved - how typically human. And the short memory too.

I for one want Richie back, and won't support a 'Richieless' Bon Jovi.

Yes the way he left was wrong, but that's the only thing we can say that we know for sure. The rest is speculation. And if Richie had enough of something band-related, he has every right to do so. Just his way of doing things was wrong.

And on topic I like what X is doing on that stage, but it's just not the same.

I agree with everything you said, except the "I won't support a Richieless Bon Jovi part". I can't even imagine a Richieless Bon Jovi, really I can't. And I don't want to see it. And I'd probably rather have each Bon Jovi member do their own thing, if that was the alternative. But it's not up to me and I'll always support them no matter what.

Anyway, you can be mad at the guy all you want, but you just can't forget. If you do, you've never really cared to begin with. FACT. He, along with Jon, Tico and David, is 30 years of Bon Jovi. It takes more than the first good guitarist passing by to become part of that. Actually, it takes nothing, 'cause it's just not possible. That's why I said I'd rather have each of them do their own thing, because even though I'd still support them (it's also a matter of loyalty), something would always be amiss, no matter how many years go by.

nickolai 07-16-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1146698)
I think the reason for that lies in the uncertainty this time around. In 2011, we knew immediately that Richie was in rehab for alcohol abuse, but he would be back by the end of the tour. And we knew that immediately. The situation was handled rather professionally by all parties. This time around is quite the opposite, with no clear explanation, no clear timelines, rumors ablaze, and an unprofessional Richie tweeting about his fashion and solo work when the band and Phil X is working their asses off on the tour.

I've had a hell of a lot of respect for Phil X since the first instance 2 years ago. He's an excellent guitarist, and though his style isn't 100% spot on for the Bon Jovi sound, he does his job and does it well, while at the same time knowing his boundaries as a fill-in guitarist for the band. Quite simply, he's filling the bill and having a ****ing blast out there.

It seems as if some people think that being happy, supportive, and welcoming of Phil is mutually exclusive with loving Richie and wanting him to return happy and healthy. For me, it would be devastating if Richie was given the permanent boot. He is indeed my favorite guitarist of all time, but in this time where he's confusing his fanbase and bandmates, I can't help but be frustrated by him. At the same time, I'm supportive of Phil X, because, simply, he's done nothing wrong.

I truly hope Richie comes back, ready to rock, because that's what he does well. But until then, Phil X is a good replacement. I just can't help but like the guy.

Richie Sambora can go fukc himself. If he'd have just shut up and stayed away I'd have had more respect for the guy. But him spouting "i love the band, I love my fans". Well you don't. You're a liar. You value yourself in higher esteem. And there layeth the problem. If he loves the band and fans then he would have given some kind of explanation. But he doesn't respect the fans in the slightest. A statement like "Guys, I'm really sorry, but I'm burnt out and having a bit of a mid life crisis. I need to find myself again and rediscover who I am. It's not Jon, it's me. I'm 100% the problem and if I can't give you my soul out there every night then I'd be ripping you off. I'm leaving and not coming back this tour. Please believe that I respect and love you fans, but at the moment I don't respect myself and need to stay away".

This is what I think the crux of the problem is. Just that Richie thinks his fans are stupid and naive. Instead we've been treated so badly and our love and judgement for this band has been seriously tested.

ticos_stick 07-16-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1146706)
Instead we've been treated so badly and our love and judgement for this band has been seriously tested.

Jesus, melodramatic post of the century.

Fans had the option to get a refund. If you went and had a good time then great if not then you got your money back. No one was treated badly.

nickolai 07-16-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1146708)
Jesus, melodramatic post of the century.

Fans had the option to get a refund. If you went and had a good time then great if not then you got your money back. No one was treated badly.

This has nothing to do with Jesus.

It's hardly melodramatic. Its the truth. we had every right to be refunded because we bought tickets under the impression that the whole band would be there. That's just good consumer integrity.

I had a good time BECAUSE Richie wasn't there. Yeah I was totally aware of his absence, but I feel, and I'm pretty sure others, would feel that the first returning gig with Richie would just feel "awkward".

TwinFan 07-16-2013 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1146709)
I had a good time BECAUSE Richie wasn't there.


ticos_stick 07-16-2013 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1146709)
we bought tickets under the impression that the whole band would be there. That's just good consumer integrity.

You're seeing this through business eyes. Richie is a human being and if he felt he couldn't continue than he must have had good reason. He kept on playing through the HAND tour with a broken arm remember? he could easily have stayed at home and with good reason. I don't think he's just suddenly grew resentful of the fan base over night.

rolo_tomachi 07-16-2013 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1146706)
This is what I think the crux of the problem is. Just that Richie thinks his fans are stupid and naive. Instead we've been treated so badly and our love and judgement for this band has been seriously tested.

Yes, we now know that fans of Bon Jovi just follow their leader. It is ironic, the casual fan always believed that Bon Jovi was only JBJ, now it is a reality.

Loyalty? do not make me laugh.


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1146709)
This has nothing to do with Jesus.
I had a good time BECAUSE Richie wasn't there. Yeah I was totally aware of his absence, but I feel, and I'm pretty sure others, would feel that the first returning gig with Richie would just feel "awkward".

Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Nobody is perfect, and much less Jon, Phil and Bobby. I want Richie Sambora, whatever happens. JBJ have done shows much more painful than Richie, and not therefore judge it so harshly.

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