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Johny 06-06-2022 05:48 PM

JoviTalk's tribute to Alec John Such
I've decided to start a new thread for us to collect pictures, videos and stories we can and will remember Alec by.

There are many users who has shared some of their stories over the years and I'd love to have them collected here. So anytime anyone can open it and remeber him and his contribution to the band. There are tons of great pictures and videos from the (imo) best years of the band's history.

I've asked this question in the info thread and it better here and add some:
What song do you associate the most with Alec?
What are your memories of him with the band or even personally?
What did you like the most about him?

I'd love this thread to be a real appreciation of him and not a place for cheap and unnecessary fighting. It's also not a place for condolences - we have the original thread for that. Thank you.

Johny 06-06-2022 05:54 PM

Blood On Blood is the first song that comes to my mind when I think about Alec. Not only that it is about the brotherhood but also for the live performances that are definition of what I love about the band in the 1980s. Even though I prefer some other versions, this one is from the two month period, when Alec had a few seconds of spotlight behind the mic

FighterBJ 06-06-2022 07:32 PM

Alec (on the left) in 1998.

bonjovi90 06-06-2022 09:33 PM

Originally posted by FighterBJ in this thread, but I read the story again last night and loved it:


From an online magazine I found a good while ago, translated by me. It's an interview with Hungarian rapper Big Daddy Laca from the band "Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel", and one of the most detailed stories about Alec I ever heard! I left out some uninteresting parts that aren't connected to the story, the original link is here:

(please excuse my not-so-great english)

An article by Rácz Edina, 2015-03-19

...In 1993, when Bon Jovi was in their prime, and Alec John Such of Hungarian origin was still a member, him and Big Daddy became good friends. Laca even stayed at Alec's new Jersey home.

- The year was 1993. I worked in a night club, I was a doorman on Kálvin Square. It was around 4-5 in the morning, we were about to close. This is when a familiar taxi arrived, but we were tired by then and wanted to go home. "Who is he bringing here at this time?!" - we thought.

I opened the car door, and Alec John Such, the bassist of Bon Jovi got out. I was a big fan at the time, so you can imagine how I felt when he stood right in front of me.

I went "Hi, Alec!". He was surprised that I called him by his name because people usually don't know it. He asked how much the entering fee was, I told him he was my guest for anything he'd have tonight. Then came the boss and asked "Who is this man?". I informed her, that he is a member of Bon Jovi, and they are playing a concert here in a few days. I already had my ticket for the gig.

Alec enjoyed himself a lot that night. At noon, when I was already resting at home, the cleaning lady called that a man is here and he's looking for me. I jumped in the car, and Alec was waiting for me. The night club opened at around 8-9, so until that we went out to eat and here and there.

On the third day, he showed up with 4 VIP / backstage tickets to the Bon Jovi concert. I went with three friends, I had dinner with Richie Sambora & Tico Torres. The night was fabulous for us, we could even watch the concert from special seats.

-Did the party go on?

-No, and unfortunately I also didn't get to thank Alec for the favour because they were packing and we couldn't find each other in the usual whirlabout. One week later he sent a postcard to the nightclub from Bangkok.

Then in early-1994, my phone rang. Alec called. He told me he was coming to Hungary to accept an Arany Zsiráf award and he'd like to meet me. He stayed in Hotel Kempinski. I watched the Keep The Faith videos to find out what he likes to drink and I saw he likes Johnnie Walker, so I bought a bottle for him. At the hotel gate they already knew I was coming. I went up to his room, the door was open and he was practicing "Keep The Faith" on a small amplifier. I handed him the whiskey, he thanked me but told me he was an alcoholic for 25 years and doesn't drink anymore.

He didn't like the hotel so he moved to someplace else. He was in our little country for a week, we hung out, I went with him to interviews, we had good conversations.

-Does he know his Hungarian relatives?

-No, and unsuccesfully, but he was looking for them. I was so sympathetic to him he introduced me to everyone as his Hungarian cousin. They were fascinated by me. I wasn't a known guy back then, I didn't even have a band.

-And how did you get to New Jersey?

-He noticed I was wearing biker clothing all the time and asked what motorcycle I own. I said I wanted a Harley one day. He then told me he's got one and I should go to New Jersey if I wanted to try it. It didn't really work like that in Hungary back then, you had to send an invitation from America which was checked and a permit was granted. First he sent a funny letter but I told him he needed to send a formal one. He did that and also sent me a plane ticket.

I flew to New Jersey on July 1st. I saw a man at the airport with a sign in his hands saying "Mr. Laszlo Kalmar". We went to a limousine and got to his house where he waited for us with his mother.

-I have no words... Alec's gotta be a nice guy! And how were your days with him?

-I lived there for two weeks. Being a well-raised child I asked if I can open the fridge. Alec asked me to not ask questions like that and to feel at home. He rented me a Lincoln Continental and I could go anywhere, he only asked me to find my way back. He took me to his garage, and there sat 2 Harley-s:
a Custom Softail Turbo and a Heritage Softail - I could use both of them.

The bonus funny thing is, he bought a sidecar Ural but couldn't start it because of some ignition issues. I was a car mechanic and I knew my way around it, I started the machine for him. He was so happy he wrote "Laszlo the magnificent!!!" on the garage wall. He sat in the sidecar and I drove, we were circling around the neighborhood like two kids.

We were in New York, in the Hard Rock Café, he showed me his girlfriends, we visited his friends. Once we went to Tico Torres' house, who was still together with Eva Herzigova at the time. Eva was sunbathing beside the pool and waved to us. Alec told her that his Hungarian relatives are here.

Soon after, Tico arrived in a black pickup. He is a very short guy with a very deep voice. It rings back, how he greeted us: "Hi everybody!". He showed us around the place, his garage was filled with oldtimer cars, the inner height was large with a shelf system and 5-6 drum kits on them. My jaw almost dropped to the ground!

-How is Alec as a person?

-He always tried to be kind, organise things to do, for example he once took me to a lake to boat. Another time he disappeared for an entire day, so he was a bit of an amused man. He was also very much into CB-Radios. He had an enormous antenna on the roof of his house and he was working on it all the time for it to have a wider range. He used to scream out of joy when someone copied. He was a child at heart at 40 years old. Brilliant guy!

-Did he live with his mother?

-Yes, with Ellen, who was a sweetheart. Alec's huge living room was full of gold- and platinum discs & instruments. He had a cimbalom (traditional Hungarian instrument) that he inherited from his grandfather, Szűcs Árpád. The only memory he had of him is when Alec was naughty, his grandfather used to tell him "Az anyád Úristenit!". It was quite strange to hear it in English...

-What came after the 2-week dream?

-After I went back home, Alec disappeared. Even at the time he was complaining about Bon Jovi, he wanted to quit the band. We later found out from the press that he did. His phone number and email address that he gave me were no longer active soon after. I had no way of contacting him.

Once, around ten years ago, we were in New York with Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel to perform. The guy who invited us was a huge Bon Jovi fan and knew this story. I figured we should go to New Jersey and see what's happened to him. We jumped in the guy's car, but when we got to his house, a "for sale" sign was out. The farm was not as tidy anymore. Everyone stayed in the car but I got out, I knew the property and wanted to look around. I saw some movement in the kitchen. I rang the doorbell and Alec opened up. I asked if he remembers me, he said "Of course, you were here with me".

He looked a bit weared out but other than that he was fine. I told him we were performing in New York with my band and we came to visit him. He invited us in and the guys were amazed. The house was half-empty by then but he brought us a box of Corona. He was showing girls to Zoli on his laptop and I told him I now have 2 kids, he didn't have anybody even then. We chatted and invited him to our concert but unfortunately he didn't come. He gave me his email address again, then we went back home. One of his bass guitars got to me, he sold a lot of his stuff. I sent him a photo by email but didn't get a response.

-I see this whole thing bothers you...

-Since I'm in the music industry, I was thinking about when would I invite a random fan from a foreign country to my home, especially a simple doorman. It's possible Alec figured he'd do a favour for the Hungarian guy and that's it. But I thought that further! Now I could afford to invite him as a guest to Hungary. We could go to places and chat like long ago. When he comes to my mind, I try to search for him on social media, or see if he's selling any of his items. But if I find out he is coming to Hungary for whatever reason, I'll surely visit him.
I'd like this friendship to continue!


That's it, I hope it was an interesting read for you all, it sure was for me! Here's one of the pictures from the site, I think this was taken when they visited Alec in the 2000s with the Kartel.

rokuli 06-08-2022 08:14 PM

What song do you associate the most with Alec?

Blood On Blood from "New Jersey - The Videos" VHS!

What are your memories of him with the band or even personally?

Seeing him perform with the band on April 14th, 1994 in Helsinki. He was dressed in full black leather. Talk about attitude!!

What did you like the most about him?

Complete opposite to Bongiovi: care-free true rock n roll star!

Here's some interesting montage I havent seen before! From:

Fun look back... before mainly being Bon Jovi’s touring bassist, Alec John Such was in a band called - Phantom's Opera. (Hugh McDonald has played on the albums since day one… I know - Fans don’t want to hear that) @BonJovi
#80s #rock #80smusic #NewJersey #usa

rokuli 06-08-2022 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by FighterBJ (Post 1281807)

Thanks! Great, I guess he maintained healthy & fine lifestyle after Bon Jovi!

Rumen 06-09-2022 10:59 AM

What song do you associate the most with Alec?
King Of The Mountain!

What did you like the most about him?
The real rockstar image. Everybody could see that he didn't have to pose or act, all that just came naturally to him. I'd say he brought the band the attitude they needed, that "element of danger". As Jon said about Alec in Phatom's Opera: "Everybody wanted to be like Alec. He was the coolest cat."

Bob Yanoso:
Jack did have one last music session in his studio about a week before he went into the hospital ( Summer/2008 ). Jack keyboards, Alec bass, Dennis drums and Sherman and I on the guitars. We played just a few Beatles songs and it used all the strength that Jack had. But he was happy and smiling. On a side note, I never sounded so good, perhaps it was because i was playing with world class musicians?

Jack Young was "John Peter Yanoso" the keyboard player of the band.

Keyboard player Jack Young having first founded the band with Alec John Such (BON JOVI) in 1969 at the age of 13! The original line-up of the band featured Alec John Such on bass and Tico Torres (BON JOVI) on drums. Dean Fasano was a former vocalist with the band before he joined MESSAGE (with Richie Sambora) - Colie Brice

Phantom's Opera - I Need Your Love (official video)

Phantom’s Opera Live at The River, July 28, 1983 - Heaven and Hell (Black Sabbath cover):
One of the last PO gigs with Alec on the bass.

It’s frightening that from the "Tico’s Phantom’s Opera" line-up, Tico is the last band member, who's still alive. Man, the time is flying so fast…

Rumen 06-09-2022 11:25 AM

The spoils of rock: Ex-Bon Jovi bassist is putting it all on the auction block
Published in the Asbury Park Press 5/14/00 By KELLY-JANE COTTER


Each room of the enormous house on Laird Road holds a well-kept collection,
often reflecting the 14 years Such spent as bassist for Bon Jovi.

In a spare bedroom behind the laundry room, some 50 bass guitars stand at
 attention - a pink paisley guitar, an emerald green guitar, a translucent
 guitar, a guitar shaped like a '50s-style Chevy, even a basic black number
 that Such used before he was famous.

Memorabilia from Bon Jovi's arena days in the '80s, including posters,
 photos, tour jackets, trophies and about 100 gold and platinum records, are
on display in the living room. Amplifiers nearly fill the garage.

The collections go beyond rock 'n' roll paraphernalia.

Rare and commemorative coins are piled like a pirate's treasure. Among other
 things, Such owns antique Siamese and Russian jewelry, comic books,
sculptures by Erte and D.H. Chipari, a dozen guns and art by Peter Max and
 South Amboy-based artist Wayne Turback.

And everything must go. "I made my money during the era of 'He who dies with
 the most toys wins,'" Such said. "That's how the '80s were. But you grow out
 of that, you really do."

On Saturday, Such will put nearly everything he owns on the auction block.
"This is not a distress sale," said Stephan J. Miranti, the auctioneer in
 charge of the sale and a friend of Such. "He's not broke."

Still, many people would shudder at the thought of strangers clambering 
through their yard in search of a bargain, even if it's a garage sale, let
 alone an estate auction. Miranti knows that many people associate auctions 
with bad news, which is why, during a visit to Such's house, he emphasized
 several times that the musician is not in financial trouble. The very term
 "estate auction" smacks of death or bankruptcy - and loneliness.

"I always thought I'd have kids," Such said. "That's half the reason I
 bought all this stuff. But you can't predict or control what happens to 

Such lives alone in his lavishly furnished house, which has two master 
bedrooms, several smaller bedrooms and a phenomenal finished basement with a
 black jack table, a pool table, slot machines from Las Vegas casinos, video
games and a wet bar modeled after the one on "Cheers."

"I used to have some good parties here," he said.

He has been divorced for 17 years, but is on good terms with his ex-wife,
who has "custody" of their 19-year-old cat, Tiffany. He dotes on his other
 cat, Max. When Such couldn't find Max, who was ranging somewhere on the 
property, he handed a bullhorn to Muranti and asked him to call the cat so a
 photographer could take a picture of Such with his cat.

Muranti made a few half-hearted calls through the bullhorn from the deck, 
never venturing into the yard, before returning to the living room. "He
 hates my cat," Such said, still scanning the yard from a window. "I love my
 pets, but some people aren't animal people."

On a tour of the house - which will be included in the auction via sealed
bids - Muranti pointed out the big-ticket items such as the 11-foot
chandelier that dangles in the foyer. "I paid $20,000 for that," Such said,
 moving briskly past the chandelier to point out a shelf of photos: an
 autographed photo of "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno, a picture of Such posing
 with Vice President Al Gore ("Even though I can't stand his politics," Such 
said), several of Such's nieces and one of his mother, Helen, in Italy.

"I don't know where in Italy that was taken but it was while we were on 
tour," Such said. "My mother would come with us on tour so she could travel
everywhere. She wasn't too pleased when I retired."

Such's father died a long time ago and Such seems very close to and
 protective of his mother. Examples of her needle work hang through out the 
house, an odd juxta position with the other art work. A tattoo on Such's left
 shoulder replicates a needlepoint picture of a wizard made by his mom.

"Of course, I'm saving all her work," he said.

He's also saving a cimbalom, a Hungarian instrument similar to a dulcimer,
handmade by his paternal grandfather and played by his father. Of his own
 musical career, he only wants to save photos he took of the band on various
 tours and a trophy awarded by the T.J. Martell Foundation, honoring the 
band's work with autistic children.

"This is a celebrity auction, a high-profile estate," Muranti said. "That 
makes it different from most auctions I handle. And Alec has a lot of
 different things. He's eccentric."

Among the oddities up for auction are a hand-held chrome ice maker from
 about 1900, a miniature Singer sewing machine from about the same time, a
 telephone from 1936, a cash register from 1930, a miniature player saxophone
(which operates with a roll, like a player piano) and a coin-operated "Flash
Gordon Rocket Ship" children's ride from 1951.

He also is selling several classic cars.

"Yeah, it makes me sad to see some of this stuff go," Such said, as he drove
his sleek, 1953 MG through his rural neighborhood. The car, one of several
for sale, is a beauty, and Such takes delight in its pristine condition. On
a sunny afternoon's drive, he turned on the windshield wipers as if 
demonstrating a parlor trick, smiling as the old-fashioned blades stretched
 and retracted like the legs of a cricket.

The two-passenger car sped past the horse farms and mansions that make Colts
Neck so pretty and prestigious and so elegantly silent. Such, who grew up in 
a tight-knit Hungarian neighborhood in Perth Amboy, bought his house in
Colts Neck in 1988.

"Colts Neck is nice," he said, "but there's nothing to do. There's no
 activity. You don't see people anywhere. I would just come home and do 
nothing. I even got into the habit of cooking for myself and I don't want to
 do that. I want to go out to eat, I want to get out and meet people."

Physical setbacks

Such itches for mobility and action. This part of his personality was sorely
 tested within a year after he retired from Bon Jovi in 1994. Such said a
 drunk driver smashed into his car in Marlboro, shattering his hip. Recovery
 was agonizing, physically and mentally.

"It took them an hour to get me out of the car," Such recalled. "I was on my 
back for six months after surgery. It was about the worst thing to happen to
me in my life."

Five years later, he occasionally needs to walk with a cane. The size of his
 house, with all its stairs, has become unmanageable.

"I want to sell all this and buy a new motor home and a boat and just go
traveling,"he said. "I don't miss being in a band; I don't want any of
 that. I want to meet people and if they don't believe I was in Bon Jovi, I 
won't care. I don't think I've picked up a guitar since I left the band. I
 don't have calluses on my fingers anymore. I'd bleed if I played now."

Bon Jovi the band is undisputedly led by Jon Bon Jovi, the singer and front
man who grew up in working-class Sayreville and now lives in a riverfront
 estate in the most plush section of Middletown. (The rest of the band also
maintained ties to New Jersey -- Tico Torres, the drummer, lives in Colts
Neck; Richie Sambora, guitarist, and David Bryan, keyboardist, also have 
homes in the area).

But Alec John Such played a key role in forming Bon Jovi the band. Such and
 Sambora played together in an earlier band called Message; Such and Torres
 traveled in the same circles.

In the early '80s, Such managed the Hunka Bunka Ballroom in Sayreville, then 
known as the Jernee Mill Inn. He booked Jon Bon Jovi & The Wild Ones and saw
 potential. He brought Sambora and Torres into the fold; Bon Jovi brought 
Bryan, with whom he had played in a band called Atlantic City Expressway.

The rest, as they say, is history. Bon Jovi became the most successful of 
the many "hair bands" of the '80s that bridged the gap between pop and heavy
 metal. The band's 1986 album on Polygram/Mercury, "Slippery When Wet," sold
 in the multi-millions and earned Bon Jovi an international following,
especially in Asia, that has not abated. Commercial success continued with
"New Jersey" in 1988, "Keep the Faith" in 1992 and the greatest-hits album
"Cross Road" in 1994.

Bon Jovi survived the dominance of modern rock in the early '90s and now
 seems poised for another comeback. The band's album, "Crush," is due for
 release June 13. Bon Jovi will begin its world tour in July in Japan,
followed by dates in Europe in August and September. The band played a
 sold-out preview gig last month at Tradewinds in Sea Bright.

Meanwhile, Jon Bon Jovi played a supporting role in the hit thriller
"U-571." He has even regained his status as a teen idol - no small feat for
 a 38-year-old father of two in the era of boy groups -- with young women 
calling area radio stations to request his songs, describing him as a

The wild one One of the band's early publicity photos -- available at the 
auction -- features "Teen Beat"-style snippets of biography about each
 musician on the back: "Known as the wild one in the group, Alec enjoys his
 cars and motorcycles when he's not on tour."

Rumen 06-09-2022 11:31 AM

"The record company used to lie about my age," Such said. "I was 31 when I
 joined. I was a good 10 years older than the rest of the band. My sister
 eventually got really mad because the papers would describe her as my older
 sister when really she was younger."

The age difference has since caught up with Such and his former bandmates.
Such, now 48, said it was the main reason he left the band in 1994.

"When I was 43, I started to get burned out," he said. "It felt like work 
and I didn't want to work. The reason I got into a band to begin with is 
because I didn't want to work."

Jon Bon Jovi, on the other hand, seems compelled to work. In an interview
 with the Press in February, Bon Jovi talked about his band's new music,
 about an Internet project that let fans watch as the band recorded the album
 and about his movie career.

"I do have a lot going on and I've been like this in the past," Bon Jovi 
said. "I don't know if it's something I need to do or what. Last week, I was
in two different studios in L.A., while fitting in rehearsals for a new
 movie, and I caught the red-eye home and all I could think was 'Man, I can't
 wait to get a break.'"

After Such left the band, Bon Jovi compared the situation to Bill Wyman's 
departure from The Rolling Stones. "I look on it as being like the Bill
 Wyman thing," Bon Jovi told the Press in 1994. "They just grew in different
 directions. It's understandable ... just because I want to continue making
 records doesn't mean everyone else has to."

Bon Jovi then took a cue from The Rolling Stones and brought in Hugh
 McDonald as a hired gun, rather than as a bandmate. "There's no ill feeling 
on mine or the band's part," Bon Jovi told the Press at the time, "and as 
far as I'm concerned, Alec was the only bass player who was part of Bon

There are signs of hurt feelings on Such's part. When asked about his 
bandmates' reactions to his retirement, Such said, "I think Jon didn't care
 because he didn't have to pay a percentage to the new guy. He does care
 about those things."

Not surprisingly, Such said he did not like the 1995 Bon Jovi album "These
 Days," which was the first one made without him. But he does not disparage
 McDonald. "Hughie's great," Such said. "We have no animosity. If anything, I 
feel sorry for him that he doesn't get recognition."

And time and distance have mellowed whatever friction existed between Such
 and Jon Bon Jovi. "I keep in touch with everyone but Jon," Such said. "We
 had a few little rifts between us, but when I heard this new record, I
 wanted to call him. I think it's really good."

After the auction, Such said he plans to start traveling. His first stops:
 Pensacola and Corpus Christi. But he does not plan to abandon New Jersey.
 He's keeping his second home in Waretown and he bought his mother a house in 
Brick, which will always draw him back.

"When you first make a lot of money, you spend a lot," he said. "Then you go
 through that 'Am I good enough to be making all this money?' and 'Do I
 deserve it?' phase."

"I think I'm past all the pitfalls," he said. "At one time, I needed to see 
those platinum records on the wall to prove my worth. I don't anymore."

The public auction of the estate of Bon Jovi bassist Alec John Such begin s
at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at 29 Laird Road, Colts Neck. Previews are 9 a.m. to
 5 p.m. today, noon to 8 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday. For more 
information, call (732) 708-0948.

Published on May 14, 2000

Johny 06-09-2022 11:44 AM

Thanks to everyone contributing! I love this.

I think Jon's message has its place here:

And Dominik's recent upload that was dedicated to Alec too:

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