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SamboraQueen21 01-19-2006 05:48 PM

Will there ever be another "Bon Jovi" for you?
With less than 24 hours to go until my next show in Buffalo I am ridiculously excited and just walking around counting the minutes til the guys take the stage. The excitement and anticipation that I get from the band cannot be compared to any other muscial act out there today. From the moment news comes that a new album is released we fans discuss and make our predictions to what the album will sound like, we analyze the lyrics, try our best to find a leaked song, then count he days until the album is released. Waiting for tour dates to be announced is so nerve wracking, checking each and every day (sometimes mutliple times a day) for any shred of news, then finally planning where you will go to see them. Next comes the drama of scoring tickets, and then upgrading to the best possible seats because come on you know you want the best you can get. Then the waiting game begins again as you wait for your show date to finally arrive. We sit and watch the boards, read the reviews, critique the setlist, etc. Finally your show arrives and then if you are lucky enough to do antoher show you wait again. But when it is all over all you have are the memories of your show. I know we all have great memories. My question to you isn't what are your best memories but do you think that there will ever be a band or singer who will mean the same thing that Bon Jovi does to you?

I go to a lot of concerts. I am a fan of many artists. But no matter how much I am looking forward to other shows I never get that same excited/nervous anticipation feeling that I get when I go to a Bon Jovi show. Literally when the house lights go out I get weak in the knees knowing they are in their way out to the stage and I will get to see THE BAND before my very own eyes. I know that they plan on touring a long time but let's be realisitic they will not tour forever. I am only 25 and I plan on going to concerts for a long time. Sometimes I think God when I am 45 will they still be touring? Because right now I do not think there is any single act who are going to make the impact that Bon Jovi has had on me since I was 12 years old. I am talking young bands out there now. The bands out there now who are the "hot things" according to radio and MTV. I don't have a connection like I do with Bon Jovi with any of them. I doubt that I will ever find another band like them who mean what they do to me. I hope that one day there will be another band who will touch me but I don't think for me there will ever be another band who has had the kind of effect that Bon Jovi has had on me. Of course in a few years there might be an artist who will burst on the scene that I will fall in love with. Thye might put out the most amazing album and tour and I may become a huge fan. But no matter how big a fan I may become I don't think that for me anyone could ever compare to Bon Jovi. I hope to God they will be like the Stones and tour forever. I hope to God they will continue to make music for many, many years to come. I know they have no plans of slowing down now but no one knows what the future holds. It kind of saddens me to think what will I be doing, who will I be following when there is no more Bon Jovi.

Believe me I have gone through phases with different artists. But never has there been a time when I did not listen to BJ. I literally do not think a day has passed since I re-discovered them that I have not listened to at least one BJ song in 13 years. I never get sick of them. I have never outgrown them. Am I a fan of every single song they have ever written? Of course not. Do I think that they have ever done a crappy show? Of course. But for the most part they are one band who has NEVER disappointed me and have helped me through many times. There songs have helped me through many tough times and there songs have been with me for many good times as well.

So I give you the question again- do you think you will ever find a band out there (or have you already) found a band who has had the impact that BJ has had on you? Why or why not? I'd love to hear your thoughts... thought this thread would spark a good debate too!!

I'M_COMPLICATED_2 01-19-2006 06:07 PM

I agree with you alot. I do like other artists alot and have gone through phases with some of them. But ever since 2000, when everyone was talking about this band called Bon Jovi that was "coming back" and my best freind told me all about them, who they were, sang me some of their old songs, and I started hearing It's My Life all the time, I've been connected, and it always comes back to them. I'll get interested in other artists and other things and then I'll be reminded of them somehow, hear a song, see a comercial advertising something to do with them, or see a show that theyre on, or someone talks about them, whatever, it always comes back to them.

Altho I've never seen them live, I've heard and read the best about their shows and I plan to go someday when I can. Provided they'll still be recording and touring for a long time to come.
Which I think they will. I don't know why but especially Jon, I think when I see him, there's just something in him that tells you that there's still more where this is coming from and he's not gonna be done for quite some time. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry I am rambling but you gave me the oppurtunity so I took

TBoy 01-19-2006 06:08 PM

No! I just cant explain! Its beyond my power! Bon Jovi is the best drug you can find on Earth! :)

Rob 01-19-2006 08:10 PM

I'd love to have seen some of my favourate bands back in their peak such as The Who, Dire Straits, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc, but my answer to the question would be no. Listening to recordings there are a few bands/artists that have had a bigger impact on me than Bon Jovi, although I haven't seen many live gigs so I can't compare them to Bon Jovi as a live act.

Proteus 01-19-2006 08:58 PM

The answer is no, there will never be a band that means to me as much as BJ do. I could call myself a fan of Bruce and U2 but I'll never be excited for a new album or a tour of them as I am for the BJ ones

ponrauil 01-19-2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by SamboraQueen21
do you think you will ever find a band out there (or have you already) found a band who has had the impact that BJ has had on you? Why or why not?

Bon Jovi is the band I've listen to the most over the years but when I sum it all up they didn't that big of an impact.
When I look at the songs that mean the most to me, it's generally not Bon Jovi. Pink Floyd, U2, Noir Désir, Radiohead, etc... will have had a deeper impact.


RyanBounce04 01-19-2006 10:55 PM

Nope.... There will never EVER be another band out there quite like Bon Jovi. Seeing as how Metallica is my second favorite band behind bon Jovi, they still can't compare to Bon Jovi. I find myself missing last weekend a lot. It was such a great weekend and it hit me today when I was thinking about your post. Will there ever be another Bon Jovi? It's a pretty simple no. It's going to be sad when they call it quits.


BOuNce_JOVI 01-19-2006 11:20 PM

yeah when bon jovi becomes the new rolling stones like they say they would i gonna fill the gap and be the next bon jovi

jbjhand 01-19-2006 11:47 PM

there will never ever be another bon jovi for me.
and the main reason is whenever i have crap times in my life the music always lifts me up. i had a real shit end to last year and i keep listening to songs like everyday and bounce and sat night hand. because it always lifts me.
i mean i totally agree with you about the gigs and all the excitment that goes with it. you know when you get so much out of one band and the songs that get you through.
i would love to meet them all one day and just say thanks i really hope they realise how much it means to people.

SamboraQueen21 01-19-2006 11:55 PM

It really is tough to explain, I agree. It's such a strong CONNECTION that started a long time ago and never went away. It keeps getting stronger. I can still listen to songs that I have heard a million times and literally be like "God what a great song, I love that line" and get excited. I still crank them up everytime they come on the radio and get a little excited like yup that's my band! That is why I hope that we will lucky enough to keep getting new music for many years to come. Like I said I am 25~ saw my first show in '95 and I can't help but think what would it be like if there was no more Bon Jovi? If Bon Jovi was not still around who would take their place in my life? No one would. I would still be a music fan, I would get into other bands and artists but not the way it is with Bon Jovi. I would feel like I was missing out on something because they are responsible for bringing alot of happiness and enjoyment to me. Way too many hours to add up. I just really "Get Them" if you know what I mean. The people who don't get it probably think it is weird.. i don't know the guys in the band, but the years I have spent following their career and being a fan makes me feel that there is that connection there ... I guess you either get it or you don't. I definitely get it and that is why I know I will never ever feel the way I feel about Bon Jovi with anyone else.

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