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JackieBlue 10-03-2018 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1245287)
Nice... Any other songs were Richie takes the majority lead? (Just shows you how disconnected I was to that disaster)

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I Don't Want to Have To Need You Now (RS lead w/Ori BGV)

Take Me (RS lead w/less Ori on BGV)

Forever All the Way (RS lead w/less Ori BGV)

One Night of Peace (RS lead w/BGV by choir and children)

Rdkopper 10-03-2018 02:08 AM

I'm going to see if there are any songs I can edit her verses out of...

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

jon-flp 10-03-2018 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1245342)
One Night of Peace (RS lead w/BGV by choir and children)

One night of Peace is a wonderful song. Every time I hear this I get emotional. Everything is beautiful in this song. And it's Richie's best moment since 7 years IMO.

YOVANAfromPeru 10-03-2018 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Zakatar (Post 1245332)
Check out "Forever All the Way". My personal favorite RSO song, and also the one with the least amount of Orianthi on the whole album. Also not overproduced in the slightest.

Nice lyric, Zakatar


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1245333)
Take Me is my fav song.

"im just trying to love myself, take me, take me, perfection ain't real .... here on planet earth"

I also like this song that Richie dedicated to JonBon hahah!

JackieBlue 10-03-2018 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1245372)
Nice lyric, Zakatar

I also like this song that Richie dedicated to JonBon hahah!

Is that your interpretation or did RIchie actually say it was dedicated to Jon? I didn't catch it if he did; but then the sound quality isn't great, either.

I could go either way, but it sounded more to me like the "dedication" was to the fans who got "piiiissed off" and who still think he owes them an apology for doing something that he thinks he shouldn't have to apologize for.

YOVANAfromPeru 10-03-2018 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1245380)
Is that your interpretation or did RIchie actually say it was dedicated to Jon? I didn't catch it if he did; but then the sound quality isn't great, either.

I could go either way, but it sounded more to me like the "dedication" was to the people who got "piiiissed off" and who still think he owes them an apology for doing something that he thinks he shouldn't have to apologize for. Whether it was to Jon or to the fans who are still holding onto their resentment, I think he wanted to make it clear that, instead of apologizing, Take Me is saying they can either take him as he is and trust that he had reason(s) that justified his actions, or they can go on being mad; but in either case, he's done explaining and he's not going to get any more specific about his reasons. WYSIWYG.

I think he didn't say so, lol

rolo_tomachi 10-04-2018 04:57 PM

Love Burn the Candle Down.

Zakatar 10-04-2018 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1245432)

This song is from Aftermath, not the RSO album.

rolo_tomachi 10-04-2018 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zakatar (Post 1245445)
This song is from Aftermath, not the RSO album.

Is a Richie Sambora song.

Thinny 10-05-2018 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1245213)
Aloha !

Bob Rock produced that garbage from RSO as well. And... away flies all hope.

Salaam Aleikum,

But the producers job is to help them make the record that they want to make, and that's exactly what we got with RSO. Before Bob Rock came a long it was a mess and he came in a brought it all together. Richie will want to make a different kind of record, and Bob is there from the start to help with that. This is exactly what I wanted to hear!

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