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TheseDaysEra 01-17-2015 02:36 AM

So.. does anyone think Richie's return is STILL possible ?
After all the fuss, media frenzy shit, Orianthi, 'He quit, he's gone, being in a band doesn't have to be a life sentence ' / 'I'd be hard pressed to let him in ' yada yada yada bullshit..

D'you think there would be a point in time where Richie would call Jon and say 'Hey man, what's up ?' and somehow that conversation would lead to Bon Jovi 'reforming' ? I can't see Jon mellowing out, put all the business shit and grudges away and simply let him in... conversely, I don't see Richie attempting to get back anyways - which pretty much settles it, right ?

He did took out the 'Bon Jovi consiglieri ' bit off his twitter. BUT.... Aren't we, as fans entitled to an official statement from the band ? If Jon hadn't been asked about Richie recently by some random journalist, we'd still be here thinking he could be back.

I honestly don't care whose fault it is. I think the band as an organization is showing a tremendous lack of respect for the millions of fans out there by not saying something in an official manner.

Guess some of you here are right when you say Jon feels like Bon Jovi is a bit like Springsteen and he can make 'minor' changes in the band and not telling anyone about it - oh wait a minute... Springsteen people DO tell their fans when, say, Steve Van Zandt is absent from a tour. But here's where this theory contradicts itself... if Jon sees himself as a solo act, why does he mention Tico and David when he says there was no way he was gonna break up the band ?

Alphavictim 01-17-2015 04:26 AM

Richie would need to take a huge ego blow and come back to JBJ/BJ the band with a ton of apologies. I'm not sure he's even gonna admit to his new album failing, if it should. But IMO it would be absolutely mandatory for Richie to learn to appreciate the impact BJ gave him as a musician.

Becky 01-17-2015 04:50 AM

I don't see it happening and, I guess the sad part is, I honestly don't even care anymore. As long as Jon keeps making music, whether it's with the what's left of the band, or on his own, I'll be content (not overjoyed, content).

Touring is very rough on them physically, especially Jon and Tico, so I wouldn't be surprised if the big world wide tour days are over. They can go out having had the top tour for 3 years in recent history and being one of only 5 acts that have brought in over a billion dollars in touring revenue. They don't have to prove anything to anyone anymore.

DryCounty 01-17-2015 05:11 AM

There will be at least one more tour. Bon Jovi is just to big, there's a to big check waiting for them to not put aside their problems for once. It may not happen for a while, but when Richie is over with his "independent rockstar"-thing they will tour. Richie's ego is to big to not play another stadium show again, and no matter if Richie's been a dick in many ways, his history together with Jon speaks for itself, and honestly I think Jon wants Richie there, no matter how good Phil X is.

One of my favorite Richie quotes is when he talked about the "breakup" between New Jersey and KTF in Behind the Music.

"Even if someone says, the band's broken up, it'll be back. Because it was just to big, it was to good."

JackieBlue 01-17-2015 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1184721)
Richie would need to take a huge ego blow and come back to JBJ/BJ the band with a ton of apologies. I'm not sure he's even gonna admit to his new album failing, if it should. But IMO it would be absolutely mandatory for Richie to learn to appreciate the impact BJ gave him as a musician.

In one interview, Richie said that if he were to come back to the band, things would have to be different. So he may not be the only one who needs to apologize. And there may also need to be some recognition of the impact he's had on BJ, as well.

I honestly haven't seen where he has denied or diminished the impact Bon Jovi has had on him or his musicianship. All I've heard him say is that it's a sweet gig and that he'd be a real asshole if he didn't appreciate the opportunities he's had as a result of being in Bon Jovi. Just because some of the fans insist on inferring from his statements that he claims sole credit for writing the songs (which he never said nor implied) and extrapolating that to mean he thinks he made the band doesn't mean that Richie feels that way or that he hasn't appreciated being a part of the band.

I'm not saying you're wrong in what you say here, because we don't know the ins and outs of what led to Richie leaving; but I think it's more of a two-way street than has been presented. And for them to reunite for anything more than a one-off cash-grab, there may have to be some apologies, forgiveness, and concessions all around.

I keep seeing more and more similarities to the "hiatus" after the Jersey Syndicate tour, with the notable exception, of course, being the way this one played out in public. It's my understanding that Jon is the one who approached Richie after that one; so I guess who approaches whom 'with hat in hand' will depend on what led to the split to begin with and who most wants to see the band reunited - if any of them do. JMO

DestinationJovi 01-17-2015 06:25 AM

After watching guys' reaction to Masa's second question/comment about Richie's guitar playing on TC and then Richie's subsequent answer about how fun it was to make the album, it's truly hard to believe what has become of the band one album/tour later.

I've said it before but if Jon hadn't pushed WAN/BWC to happen so soon, we wouldn't be having this discussion. And to add insult to injury, in all likelihood that shit album will be the last in the band's catalog.

danfan 01-17-2015 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1184722)
Touring is very rough on them physically, especially Jon and Tico, so I wouldn't be surprised if the big world wide tour days are over.


Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, U2, Def Leppard, just to name a few. If they want to keep doing it, they can. I just don't see the desire anymore.

Personally, I have no desire to see the band continue without Richie. None.

danfan 01-17-2015 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by DryCounty (Post 1184723)
There will be at least one more tour. Bon Jovi is just to big, there's a to big check waiting for them to not put aside their problems for once. It may not happen for a while, but when Richie is over with his "independent rockstar"-thing they will tour. Richie's ego is to big to not play another stadium show again, and no matter if Richie's been a dick in many ways, his history together with Jon speaks for itself, and honestly I think Jon wants Richie there, no matter how good Phil X is.

One of my favorite Richie quotes is when he talked about the "breakup" between New Jersey and KTF in Behind the Music.

"Even if someone says, the band's broken up, it'll be back. Because it was just to big, it was to good."

Different times. That was 15 years ago now and there weren't the hard feelings there are now. Jon was revitalized and making at least somewhat decent music and sounding OK live. Not the case anymore.

SuperBrad 01-17-2015 06:55 AM

No way Richie will go back ....:(

JackieBlue 01-17-2015 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1184727)
Different times. That was 15 years ago now and there weren't the hard feelings there are now...

I guess by '15 years ago' you mean when Richie actually made the comment, and I assume attitudes in the band were okay then, since they were working together to make the documentary.

But his statement referred to the time period between NJ and KTF; and according to all accounts I've seen, feelings in the band at that time were pretty bitter - especially between Jon and Richie. Even in their understated 'no dirty laundry' way, the band has acknowledged that there were issues to be worked through. In his book about Axl, Mick Wall referred to "the almost insurmountable rift between Richie Sambora and Jon Bon Jovi" that they needed Lou Cox's help to resolve. So I'm not sure that the split between NJ and KTF wasn't even more acrimonious than the one happening now. It just wasn't as public.

The good news in that, though, is that they got past that hurdle and if they choose to, they'll get over this one, too. And I would think that the only way they would make that choice is if they really want to - which might mean we'd see some real band effort and creativity. Otherwise I don't think they'll bother.

I agree with Destination Jovi, they really needed a break. They have that now; and I think if they do get together again it will be because they have the desire to make music - not just more money.

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