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cih_hr 11-04-2015 04:09 PM

Foo Fighters, yesterday, concert in Cesena, Italy:

KSantaFe 05-12-2016 08:31 AM

Iron Maiden! They still put on an incredible show and I'd certainly recommend seeing them. They put most of their ilk to shame in terms of showmanship, power, energy and entertainment.

Becky 05-12-2016 12:21 PM

Keith Urban on my birthday in Orange Beach Alabama and again in October in New Orleans. This will be the second time I've gotten to go to a show on my birthday.

FinnishFan 05-27-2016 10:05 PM

Early April I got to see the legendary Albert Hammond in Norway. Originally I had tickets to the show in Sweden, but somehow the local promoter seemed to have disappeared and the show was cancelled. Luckily, Hammond's management was so brilliant that they arranged me and my friend tickets in Norway, and I also got to meet Albert after the show.

The concert was a magical experience. The venue was smaller than usually in Hammond's tours. The capacity was 950, but since only 250 tickets had been sold prior to the show (it was quite small town), they seated round tables. During one song, Albert came and shook hands with maybe almost every spectator. So the atmosphere was very brilliant, something that can't be achieved in larger venues.

I attach a video of Albert's performance from Germany. When I saw it, I decided that I need to see him live! I don't know you, but in my home country not many people know him, although his songs have been performed (even translated) by such legendary artists and sold, so I was told, 300 million copies (compared with, for example, Rolling Stones, who sold 250). I certainly recommend to everybody!

C'monFeet 09-30-2016 06:25 PM

Maiden. Kraftwerk.

PanosBonJovi 09-30-2016 07:45 PM

Bryan Adams, Sofia, BG.

Did Bruce Springsteen in Milan (1st night) and Muse in Athens too earlier this summer.

eddie73 10-07-2016 08:08 PM

Adam Ant " Kings of the wild Frontier " Tour . May 2016

Tickets boked for may 17, living legend folks, this is a proper rock show

Becky 02-02-2017 12:03 PM

Billy Joel. Looking forward to seeing him very much.

steel_horse75 02-02-2017 05:46 PM

WASP - they're doing the Crimson idol in full

Plus GNR

FinnishFan 02-27-2017 12:48 AM

Has been an impressive month for me, went to see both John Fogerty and Billy Joel. Such big legends, enjoyed them a lot!

Savvi 02-28-2017 02:23 AM

Off to see Adele tonight. Should be good.

steel_horse75 03-27-2017 03:20 PM

Saw LA Guns on Saturday night. Excellent.

steel_horse75 03-27-2017 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Savvi (Post 1219852)
Off to see Adele tonight. Should be good.

I couldnt think of nothing worse......yes I could, seeing Ed Sheeran!

Walleris 03-27-2017 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1221797)
I couldnt think of nothing worse......yes I could, seeing Ed Sheeran!

Easy. Being snobbish towards any modern pop music.

steel_horse75 03-27-2017 03:28 PM

I just don't get Ed Shereran.

Panda 03-28-2017 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1221800)
I just don't get Ed Shereran.

What's your beef with him? He's an easy going dude that puts on a very entertaining one man show.

Honestly, love or hate him, he's got stage presence and is unique. There's no other pop artist that has a show like his. I just don't get why choose him over any possible pop artist to hate?

steel_horse75 03-28-2017 10:01 AM

Last band/artist you've bought a ticket to see...
He just bores me. Like Coldplay, Adele etc.
Oddly I prefer the songs he writes for other people.

kenobi_on_a_prayer 03-28-2017 06:03 PM

Last one I bought was a double header from a couple of Aussie bands, 1927 and Pseudo Echo. Saw them both last year (and I've seen 1927 16 times lol) so I'm sure it'll be awesome again.

My most recent concerts were Adele, Guns N' Roses, and Bruce Springsteen. Loved them all.

Oh, and Ed Sheeran's fantastic live.

Walleris 03-28-2017 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1221838)
What's your beef with him? He's an easy going dude that puts on a very entertaining one man show.

Honestly, love or hate him, he's got stage presence and is unique. There's no other pop artist that has a show like his. I just don't get why choose him over any possible pop artist to hate?

He apparently has a beef with anything that's not (or doesn't sound like) old-school hard rock. Which is a very limited attitude towards music if you ask me.

Erik, if you're into Ed (and think that "no other pop artist has a show like this"), you should check out Jason Mraz live. He's quite similar to Ed (actually Ed ripped off a lot of Jason's act), but is much stronger vocally. Off course, the songwriting is subjetive, though...

steel_horse75 03-29-2017 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Walleris (Post 1221912)
He apparently has a beef with anything that's not (or doesn't sound like) old-school hard rock. Which is a very limited attitude towards music if you ask me.

Thanks for telling me what I like and dont like.
Please tell everyone my entire music collection...if you know it so well?
You know all this because I dont like Coldplay, Adele and Ginger bollocks Sheeran?
Yes most of my fav bands are from the 80s/90s (as my next post proves) but thats not to say I dont like modern music - I just dont like a lot of whats out there at the moment. Its all a bit bland for me.

steel_horse75 03-29-2017 12:26 PM

Back on topic...

I now have tickets for...

The Darkness

bounce442 04-21-2017 09:46 AM

I saw Tom Petty tonight at his first show of his 40th-anniversary tour and damn, what a fine show.

He's been number one on my bucket list for a while now and I was worried that he might not "have it" anymore. I had nothing to worry about. It's Good to Be King was a religious experience. In fact, they played 5 songs off the Wildflowers album. If they are playing in your neighborhood I'd highly recommend going... great show!

Next up Counting Crows/ Matchbox 20. I'm thinking about going to see Tonic/Collective Soul/ Our lady Peace. I've seen them all before but I was a big fan of all of them at one time and it sounds fun.

Lucky0003 04-22-2017 04:41 AM

Just Bon Jovi. Don't go to many concerts so I'm able to save up.

Did see Boston, Kansas and Blue Oyster Cult on the same bill last year. Enjoyed the music immensely but there was no show or energy on stage. Jon still can get an audience going.

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ezearis 04-22-2017 09:51 AM

Bryan Adams. Blew my mind. That guy is amazing.

bobbye49 04-24-2017 04:23 AM

Went to 4 Bon Jovi shows. Before that, Melissa Etheridge.

Walleris 04-24-2017 12:30 PM

Queen + Adam Lambert.

I'm quite excited about this one. Saw some videos of Lambert, and while he's no Freddie, he's not trying to be and he hits every high note and more (which Freddie could never do live), so I'll take it for what it is and enjoy it, it's gonna sound great.

Plus, I'm gonna go with my parents who have been lifetime fans of Queens, so I'm happy for them as well.


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1223972)
Bryan Adams. Blew my mind. That guy is amazing.

He really is. Can still hit every high note he could from the 80s. If anything, he actually sounds better now - he maintained his rasp but with a lot more control these days and the high notes have more clarity.

ezearis 04-30-2017 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Walleris (Post 1224049)
He really is. Can still hit every high note he could from the 80s. If anything, he actually sounds better now - he maintained his rasp but with a lot more control these days and the high notes have more clarity.

I agree. I really like the way his voice sound on recent recordings. I would love if he sold the shows like Bon Jovi does, I'd pay for the one I heard without a doubt (considering his last live releases were acoustic only).

Walleris 06-19-2017 10:54 PM

Saw Coldplay yesterday at Warsaw. Great show as expected, with lots of energy, massive production and great atmosphere. Plus, they really play ALL their hits, which is almost a refreshing thing for a veteran band like them.

Next up is GNR in Gdansk tomorrow, for which I'm excited beyond words.

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steel_horse75 06-20-2017 10:19 AM

Going to see Spread Eagle in August. Can't wait. Their debut albums is in my all time top 10

kenobi_on_a_prayer 06-21-2017 03:33 PM

Just saw Icehouse on their 40th anniversary tour and had an awesome time.

The last tickets I bought were for Ed Sheeran next year.

Walleris 08-01-2017 11:25 AM

I happened to see FOALS yesterday and what a night it was.

I consider myself the furthest thing from an "indie guy", but they are not your typical indie band with snoozfest guitar-less hook-less ballads that aresang in falsetto by an autistic frontman, accompanied by dudes with guitars even though you can hear them, etc. Their singer is great, has tons of charisma, the whole band sounds really tight and groovy. And some songs I'd say are already classics, like My Number, Mountain At My Gates, Inhaler.

The atmosphere added a lot to it. There's some magic to a being in a concert of a young relevant band that has young fanbase that know every single word of most songs and the whole thing is just one big party. You can't help but join on the jumping and dancing even if it's not the music you listen to on your own. I can't believe I'm saying this, but because of this I had a lot more fun at Foals then I had at Guns N' Roses a month ago, where I was just sitting far away from the stage in a massive stadium next to a bunch of 50 year olds. It's the first time I ever thought about it, how important is the right mood and atmosphere to gig satisfaction.

Do see them if you have the chance and you're just a fan of good music from different genres.

Walleris 10-19-2018 02:39 PM

Guys, let's revive this thread!

I recently bought tickets for Greta Van Fleet (November) and The Struts (February) in London. IMO, the two best young rock bands around, very excited!

Becky 10-21-2018 12:57 AM

I can’t find affordable tickets to ANY show I’ve considered in the last 6 months: Keith Urban (several venues), Pink, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Taylor Swift, Cher, Elton John, and Cyndi Lauper. That’s searching Ticketmaster, not 2nd hand sites.

Kathleen 10-21-2018 10:17 PM

I have tickets for Guster on November 1st, Art Garfunkel on November 3rd and Davy Knowles on November 6th :) November starts out with a bang LOL

liljovi93 10-25-2018 08:27 PM

I'll be seeing Tremonti 1st December in Manchester.

Didn't manage to get Slash tickets this time.

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mo_rizwan 10-29-2018 01:21 PM

Europe - Royal Albert Hall

Loved every minute :)

Bounce7800 10-29-2018 01:32 PM

Lot of good shows going on sale.

Got Muse at the Royal Albert Hall coming up, The 1975 in Jan, Kaiser Chiefs in Feb and the plan for Bon Jovi in June and Muse in the summer.

Becky 11-04-2018 02:42 AM

I had a stroke of good luck. I made a last ditch effort to look for Keith Urban tickets on Thursday for Friday night’s show, hoping some had been released. I got lower bowl, right by the stage, exactly what I wanted! And, best of all, inexpensive! I worked 5 hours yesterday and then a coworker and I went to New Orleans. Great show as always and the best thing to happen to me in months!

ETA: They played Bad Name while they were changing stage setups and it sounded like most of the arena was singing along. I got confused for a second. Like, wait, who am I here to see? Hahahaha

Xavi 11-08-2018 12:46 PM

Europe in Zaragoza

The best hard rock band right now for me not only live,but in record.
Their new style and each new record they release is even better than the previous one.
A band that is improving each record they release,and I love they get rid of the 80s sound

Kevs 11-10-2018 06:52 PM

Rolling Stones in Croke Park - was a great set

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