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An-U 11-09-2002 10:46 PM

Wetten dass...? - Don't you think that he wanted to dance?
Has anyone seen the show?
Do you also think that Jon wanted to dance (this face after the 3rd puzzle was done)?

btw has anyone ripped it?

Gadden 11-09-2002 11:12 PM

Whell I recorded it but i dont know how to make it mpeg or anything...

An-U 11-09-2002 11:14 PM

Well, I'll ask at the file sharing forum - maybe there someone has it.

Proteus 11-10-2002 12:52 AM

Anyone can explain what the interviewer asked to Jon? What do they say about Jon and Michelle Hunzinker? THX in advance!

An-U 11-10-2002 01:13 AM

I haven't heard what he said about Michelle (just came in) but Jon was asked about his actingcareer - if it's only a dream or a hobby or how important it is for him. He answered that he likes acting but would never give up the music for that. Then he was asked the standart question - if he likes coming to germany. He said that the guys like it and that they call it new germany like new jersey. Then Gottschalk (the interviewer) said that they will come to germany by the beginning of may. That should have been all. Please correct me if there's something left.

Joverl 11-10-2002 06:42 AM

Re: Wetten dass...? - Don't you think that he wanted to danc

Originally Posted by AnnU
Has anyone seen the show?
Do you also think that Jon wanted to dance (this face after the 3rd puzzle was done)?

btw has anyone ripped it?

Yes, he defenitely wanted to dance :lol: And I think it was so cool when he just started to dance with Thomas Gottschalk after their performance.
I have to say that I really enjoyed Jonīs interview and of course their performance. They seemed to be very relaxed and also seemed to have a good time.
When the boys left, Thomas Gottschalk had to say something very nice about Jon (I canīt translate it word by word, but thatīs what he meant): "In Show-Buissness, some acts are succesful for a long time and some are succesful for a short time. Some are succesful for a long time, but get arrogant therefore. Not Jon Bon Jovi. Heīs been a huge star for so many years now, but heīs still totally down to earth. A very nice and normal guy!!"


An-U 11-10-2002 11:48 AM

Ya, it seemed like they (or at least Jon) didn't want to go. I mean they talked so longeand then this dance. When this woman won he looked like "Damn, what is she doing, she can't win! No she...she can't win! I want to dance :!: :!: :!: "

Jersey_Girl 11-10-2002 07:18 PM

Year, I also think that he wanted to dance. But it's not a really punishment for a singer to dance with Gottschalk.
By the way, don't you think he was a little bit shy in the beginning???

An-U 11-10-2002 09:22 PM

Well, as someone on the file sharing board said: maybe he has drunken a bit before so maybe he didn't think about with who he was dancing.
And ya, he really looked a bit shy at the beginning but he often looks like that, doesn't he? :oops:

fanny torres 11-11-2002 01:53 PM

Yeah i really enjoyed it but for me they seemed very "deplatziert"(sorry but i cant find any english word for that)!
BJ and a gameshod doesnīt fit together!and the misunderstood version of NY(11/110 zdf) was much better!!!!
fanny torres

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