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Gadden 10-08-2003 11:37 PM

Bounce SACD
Anyone have this one?
Is the difference great compared to regular cd?
Where can you buy it?


Jag 10-08-2003 11:50 PM

super audio cd i think?

basically for the ppl so obssesed with sound its scarey :roll:

Sambo-Chris 10-08-2003 11:51 PM

I only know that you need a special player for a SACD. The sound should be better but the SACD-players are very expensive and according to a TV-show I saw recently not really worth it since a normal listener won't hear the difference exept of you maybe have a very expensive luxury stereo.

Jag 10-09-2003 12:00 AM

yeah waste of money if u ask me.

Gadden 10-09-2003 04:11 PM


StoneDeaf 10-10-2003 06:05 AM

From sony website....

What is the technology behind SACD?

The sound of SACD comes directly from Direct Stream Digital (DSD) recording technology. DSD's simplified mechanism for recording and playback results in a frequency response of over 100kHz and a dynamic range over 120dB across the audible frequency range. DSD increases the resolution of music by more closely following the original wave form of the music, which results in music reproduction that is remarkably pure and faithful to the original. For additional information concerning the technology behind SACD, visit Sony Electronics SACD.

What are the benefits of SACD?
In addition to exceptional sound quality through the DSD system, the SACD format can accommodate more than four times the information of the current CD format. With this extra capacity, a standard Super Audio CD will provide space for 2-channel stereo data, as well as an area for up to 6-track multi-channel data, storage capacity for text and images, disc variations, copyright protection and much more.

so basically, if u put aside sound quality, only major advantage is 6-channel sound, which might be cool if album was mixed as 6 chan..


Thomas Anderson 10-10-2003 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf
a frequency response of over 100kHz

...compared to the Audio-CD frequency of 44.1khz and DVD-Video frequency of 48khz.

DVD-Audio discs can contain DTS tracks that have 96khz frequency, and for anyone with a real DVD-Audio player, the MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing) tracks which they contain can have frequencies of up to 192khz...imagine how awesome that would sound....and in 6 channels too, lol.

RichieW2001 10-11-2003 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Thomas Anderson

Originally Posted by StoneDeaf
a frequency response of over 100kHz

...compared to the Audio-CD frequency of 44.1khz and DVD-Video frequency of 48khz.

DVD-Audio discs can contain DTS tracks that have 96khz frequency, and for anyone with a real DVD-Audio player, the MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing) tracks which they contain can have frequencies of up to 192khz...imagine how awesome that would sound....and in 6 channels too, lol.

yes. cd will do me.

Thomas Anderson 10-11-2003 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by RichieW2001
yes. cd will do me.

If I had the money I'd get the highest quality equipment and have a room soundproofed especially so that I'd get the best sound quality, with no external interuptions, lol.

If I ever see one cheap enough in the future, I'd buy a DVD-Audio player, or more likely a dual Audio/Video player (which most are anyway), with it's own high quality surround system.
My current system is Dolby Digital 5.1 (:lol:), and much better quality than my last one (which had a horrible set of speakers; they hissed like crazy), but I've not had it too long, and won't replace it until probably next christmas, as it is quite good.

I just want to make sure that the next one I get supports DVD-Audio, DTS and SACD.

RichieW2001 10-11-2003 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Thomas Anderson

Originally Posted by RichieW2001
yes. cd will do me.

If I had the money I'd get the highest quality equipment and have a room soundproofed especially so that I'd get the best sound quality, with no external interuptions, lol.

with padded walls whilst wearing a straight jacket?! actually, to be fair, i have a 5.1 surround system and the difference is noticeable. i just don't care what my mp3s sound like, that's all.

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