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Captain Walrus 01-27-2004 12:00 AM

Different Interpretations Of Songs
This has been going around my head for a while, and what with the debate about Always being about a stalker, I figured now was as good a time as any to post it. My question is, are there any songs that you interpret to have a different meaning from either the obvious one, or the one that it is intended to have?

Let me give an example. (It's Hard) Letting You Go probably seems to most people to be about being left by someone they loved, and finding it hard to deal with. However, I interpret it differently. I think the 'narrator' is the one who ended the relationship, but found it was a very difficult decision to make, and now regrets it. If you think about it, probably all thelyrics could be interpreted this way, especially: "It would all have been so easy, if you'd only made me cry" - basically, if she had left him, it would have been easier, but since he left her, its hard.

So, anyone got any other different interpretaions of songs> Something like that?

Keep On Rockin'

jade4jovi 01-27-2004 12:03 AM

I always thought of that song meaning that like he doesnt wanna let her go but he knows he have to and he wish it wos her who ended it. I cant think of any others at the moment..

Mike 01-27-2004 01:14 AM

Re: Different Interpretations Of Songs

Originally Posted by The Walrus
This has been going around my head for a while, and what with the debate about Always being about a stalker, I figured now was as good a time as any to post it. My question is, are there any songs that you interpret to have a different meaning from either the obvious one, or the one that it is intended to have?

Let me give an example. (It's Hard) Letting You Go probably seems to most people to be about being left by someone they loved, and finding it hard to deal with. However, I interpret it differently. I think the 'narrator' is the one who ended the relationship, but found it was a very difficult decision to make, and now regrets it. If you think about it, probably all thelyrics could be interpreted this way, especially: "It would all have been so easy, if you'd only made me cry" - basically, if she had left him, it would have been easier, but since he left her, its hard.

So, anyone got any other different interpretaions of songs> Something like that?

Keep On Rockin'

I agree with the above.

"And told me how your leaving me for some organ grinders lullaby...."

Although I detect hints that the narrator is in two minds over whether he made the right decision.

RyanBounce04 01-27-2004 01:18 AM

What about Always? Most people think it's a beautiful song about Love, but really it's about a sick Stalker! :shock:


Jag 01-27-2004 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by RyanBounce04
What about Always? Most people think it's a beautiful song about Love, but really it's about a sick Stalker! :shock:


all just comes down to the individual and their interpretations.

BuffaloBJgirl 01-27-2004 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by RyanBounce04
What about Always? Most people think it's a beautiful song about Love, but really it's about a sick Stalker! :shock:


Yeah, never thought of that concept til Jon said something about the song at the Borgata. I guess our first clue should have been the video (or mini movie) when the guy freaks out and starts the place on fire cuz he couldn't have her anymore. Gives a whole new meaning to the song but I still like it! :D

Iceman 01-27-2004 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Jag

Originally Posted by RyanBounce04
What about Always? Most people think it's a beautiful song about Love, but really it's about a sick Stalker! :shock:


all just comes down to the individual and their interpretations.

Not really, since Jon's told us what it's about. And if you look at the lyrics, it's pretty obvious. I always thought it was about a guy who got dumped, willing to do anything to get his girl back. Which it actually was. :)


Supersonic 01-27-2004 10:10 AM

Aloha !

(It's Hard) Letting You Go could also be about the death of a person you loved. "And told me how your leaving me for some organ grinders lullaby...." but instead of that he/she died. You can interpretate that song in many ways.

Salaam Aleikum,

Iceman 01-27-2004 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic
(It's Hard) Letting You Go could also be about the death of a person you loved.

True, there's no hope in that song. At least the usual love songs have this "there's a chance she's coming back"-thing.


Keeper 01-27-2004 12:07 PM

I've always interpreted that "it would all have been so easy if you'd only made me cry" as meaning that it hurt him very deeply. When you're in shock it's difficult to cry, etc... But now this seems to make more sense.

Interesting! :)

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