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Becky 05-02-2015 03:07 PM

Richie/Orianthi Appearances
Kentucky Derby Party May 1, 2015

Have fun with the pop up ads on that one.

golittleperson 05-02-2015 03:39 PM

And tonight they are scheduled for a fundraiser for Ava's school.... 5-2-15

I'm sure there will be pictures........

Becky 05-02-2015 04:18 PM

I have a friend who lives in the Westlake Village area. I'll have to send her that link. She doesn't care anything about Richie or Orianthi, but she does like celebrity events.

Old Joysey 05-02-2015 10:16 PM

At the Derby

- some singin'n'jammin'

- red carpet intw

- Today Show or the brucejennerization of Richie :shock: :eek: :confused:

- Richie the dandy :D

- more pics:

rolo_tomachi 05-02-2015 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1187368)
echo? :lol:

ooops. edited. :lol:

Old Joysey 05-02-2015 11:30 PM

echo? :lol:

Fredrik 05-04-2015 06:44 PM

Richie looks like shit.

Supersonic 05-04-2015 07:20 PM

Aloha !

I've a feeling the list of appearances will be appaling and embarrassing. Soon he'll be opening malls with Orianthi, saying a mall is great for the economy, it's a good cause and more of that nonsense.

Salaam Aleikum,

Old Joysey 05-05-2015 12:49 AM

- Richie played at a fundraiser for his kid's school, so did Jon a couple of months ago (I remember posting the links)
- Richie played at charity events including horse racing, Jon played at a basketball event on TV, Tico played at a golf charity event in Florida
- Richie played with older acts at red carpet events or just attended awards ceremonies, Jon attended ceremonies where he collected non-music-related awards given to him and didn't play
- Richie hangs out and jams with other musicians old or young, famous or not, Jon hangs out with businessmen and politicians

so please explain Richie's wrongdoings according to you because I see nothing but coherence and a focus on music in Richie's recent behavior.

Becky 05-05-2015 01:25 AM

Jon also hosted and played at the songwriters showcase for charity with Kenneth Cole and played at the Night of Too Many Stars for charity with David. He did the Finding Neverland soundtrack song. He's also doing a couple of shows later this month. He's verified that he's writing and been in the studio working on an album. He may not be tweeting out pictures of what he's doing every other day, but that's not his style. He's still doing music related things too. In addition, we know he's been working to some extent on that television show, but who knows at what point of production it is in now.

I'm sure if someone offered Richie a non-music related honor he would accept it.

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