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A new Album in 2025/6? Perhaps?

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Old 11-04-2024, 08:38 PM
jovifan85 jovifan85 is offline
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Default A new Album in 2025/6? Perhaps?


Do fans think Bon Jovi will release another Album in late 2025? Or early 2026?

We know JBJ can't sing live, but I wouldn't mind another Album.

I can't see JBJ sitting still without writing music and not wanting to record it....any time soon......

Obviously, Bon Jovi is at an age where Albums won't sell ( due to vocals, change style of music from 80's/90's) but I see them making another, even if it makes a loss for the music label.......

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Old 11-04-2024, 11:34 PM
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If he wants to keep making albums, I really think it's time to retired the "band" and just released Jon Bon Jovi albums, writing songs he actually believes in rather than songs he think will work on radio. I know it probably won't happen, but I think he should just put a full stop under the band now if he can't tour.
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Old 11-05-2024, 12:53 AM
jovifan85 jovifan85 is offline
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
If he wants to keep making albums, I really think it's time to retired the "band" and just released Jon Bon Jovi albums, writing songs he actually believes in rather than songs he think will work on radio. I know it probably won't happen, but I think he should just put a full stop under the band now if he can't tour.
Going Solo, wouldn't make a profit if he went alone nor with the Band....But if he was happy that what matters....

I have no doubt JBJ can write songs, it's just singing them to acceptable level for an Album(s) which of course is different to singing live, which he can't now.

"Forever" proved he can write good songs ( Waves, being one) so I am not averse JBJ continuing on making another Album(s) whether with Bon Jovi or Solo....

You don't see Bands who are in their 60's/70's touring often ( excluding The Rolling Stones) they just release Albums now and then if at all, but I still hope JBJ will release more Album(s) whether with Bon Jovi or Solo, as he can't sit still at home, without writing songs....His voice may be gone live, but making Album(s) he isn't done yet......

But would JBJ bring in a new music producer if he went solo? We all know John Shanks is there with Bon Jovi to the end.....(Changing John Shanks wouldn't make a difference it's JBJ vocal limitations that's the problem)

Last edited by jovifan85; 11-05-2024 at 01:09 AM..
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Old 11-05-2024, 01:39 AM
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Originally Posted by jovifan85 View Post
Going Solo, wouldn't make a profit if he went alone nor with the Band....But if he was happy that what matters....
I really don't think that matters anymore. He doesn't need the money. The money you make from albums nowadays is a pittance to Jon anyways. If he's not chasing a "hit" and he isn't touring, then he doesn't need the Bon Jovi name.
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Old 11-05-2024, 03:07 AM
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Unless he undergoes some miraculous surgery, his live voice is finished for good. If you've heard him sing at the current Democratic Convention, it's clear his voice is in worse shape than ever. He can barely get through songs on his own now, often drowned out in the mix, and his voice weakens more with every verse. Give it a listen for yourself.

I think some of you are approaching new albums the wrong way. Veteran artists don’t release new music with the goal of scoring a hit or racking up big sales. Forget the whole "artist satisfaction" angle for a second — a new album is about pushing their back catalog, staying relevant, and keeping their name in the spotlight.
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Old 11-05-2024, 09:28 AM
jovifan85 jovifan85 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
I think some of you are approaching new albums the wrong way. Veteran artists don’t release new music with the goal of scoring a hit or racking up big sales. Forget the whole "artist satisfaction" angle for a second — a new album is about pushing their back catalog, staying relevant, and keeping their name in the spotlight.
JBJ doesn't help himself by not releasing the best song on "Forever" with Waves, that would have put him in the spotlight even for a brief moment....

I don't care that Bon Jovi will never make a hit again, I never did, for me it was the songs, the voice and Richie Sambora nor the sales they made with Slippery until These Days ( Except US)

All that's gone, but Forever proves for me, even with JBJ's bad vocals he can still produce a good album ( at least for me) even if he isn't relevant anymore to causal fans or even most of his fans nowadays.....

Last edited by jovifan85; 11-05-2024 at 09:32 AM..
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Old 11-05-2024, 11:11 AM
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Depending on what happens in the US in the coming months, plus Jon's belief his message is profound, we could get an album next year.

Although, I consider Bon Jovi on permanent hiatus now. It doesn't matter if it is Bon Jovi or Jon Bon Jovi or even if Richie is back or not. What is the point anymore? I mean a singer without a voice is a tough sell.
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Old 11-05-2024, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by jovifan85 View Post
JBJ doesn't help himself by not releasing the best song on "Forever" with Waves, that would have put him in the spotlight even for a brief moment....

I don't care that Bon Jovi will never make a hit again, I never did, for me it was the songs, the voice and Richie Sambora nor the sales they made with Slippery until These Days ( Except US)

All that's gone, but Forever proves for me, even with JBJ's bad vocals he can still produce a good album ( at least for me) even if he isn't relevant anymore to causal fans or even most of his fans nowadays.....
It's nice that everyone thinks "if they put out my favourite song, they'd be back in the spotlight" but I just think it take money way more than it takes anything else.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 11-05-2024, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
It's nice that everyone thinks "if they put out my favourite song, they'd be back in the spotlight" but I just think it take money way more than it takes anything else.
Yeah but that naivety has dominated the Bon Jovi forums on every release at least since Lost Highway (probably much longer).
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Old 11-06-2024, 12:25 AM
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There is no commercial upside to release "best" or fanbase favourite song from album as a worldwide single. But, my opinion is that there is a commercial upside to release (hard) rock song with hook in Europe and South America as single. Living Proof made it to radio in Europe with basically zero promotion and push, making some noise in rock circles.

Same could have happened with Brokenpromiseland or Any Other Day for example. No big hits there, but a reminder to general rock audience that Jovi is not only WWBTF, Because We Can or following turds released as first singles that they catch on radio while driving to work in the morning.
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