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Review of U2's 3rd Night In Dublin

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Old 06-28-2005, 09:49 PM
Krycek Krycek is offline
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Default Review of U2's 3rd Night In Dublin

I had a pretty cool day yesterday, my dad is a cop and he's in charge of the area where Larry Mullen lives, so he arrives home at about 3pm with three tickets compliments of Larry himself. So anyway we made our way to Croke Park (in the scorching heat) and checked out the stadium and then went into one of the private boxes. We stayed there for a while, had some drinks and watched the 2 support acts. First up were "The Pedigree" - or something like that - from New York who were sh1t. "Ash" came on after and were ok but the sound was terrible.

'Bout 8pm we made our way down to our seats, which were excellent. U2 didn't come on till after 9pm which was late but actually much better since we actually got the last half-hour in darkness. They played for about 2 1/2 hours and the show was amazing. Now I'm a long way from being a U2 fan and I almost very nearly didn't go but I gotta say, I'm glad I did cause it really was terrific.

They had big problems with the sound on the first night, the second was suppose to have been sorted but last nights wasn't all that great. It ws loud enough but The Edge's guitar was far too loud and the sound coming out wasn't all that clear, way too much distortion. Anyway, minor qibble. The show kicked off with 'Vertigo" and a host of post-2000 songs which worked really well. It was a great start, really rocking, non-stop sort of stuff. The middle bit slowed things down slightly and it got a little tedious but it ended really well with the likes of "Sunday, Bloody, Sunday" and "Where The Streets..........". They played a bit of everything, plenty of new songs, lots of old classic and quite a few from "Pop". They closed out the show with another version of "Vertigo" which just about brought the stadium down. Absolutely incredible.

Lots of people left and then they actually came back out and played a couple more songs.

Really, it was one spectacular night, I never would've paid to see U2 before this but I certainly would gladly go again. They certainly aren't close to matching Bon Jovi as a live band and Jon's a vastly better frontman but they certainly more then won me over, and the biggest surprise of all, Bono hardly shot his mouth off at all

Best songs for me were probably, Verigo (2nd time), City Of Blinding Lights, Sunday Bloody Sunday and Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own.

I'd give it 8/10. Well worth seeing if you get the chance.

It seems these days theres so much negativity going on in the world. I dont know maybe being a hopeless romantic or an optimist isnt fashionable but to me those stars up there were just that close,so i couldnt help but sit down with Richie and write this song and so for all the believers out there we're not a dying breed.This is called These Days~JBJ
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Old 06-29-2005, 04:44 PM
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thanx for the review.
yeh, i was there too and it was excellent. I hafta put it on the same level as my fav BJ show.. but it was just on such a bigger scale i thot, all 83,000 ppl were jumping and clapping at one stage and it was just an amazing sight!
Sound was a bit crap, but not to the extent that it ruined the experiance.

And the support act beofre Ash (who were good...about the 9th time iv seen them..!) was the Bravery... not the pedigree!

and quite a few from "Pop".
The band didnt play anything off Pop, so i dont know what your on about.

Nice to see a few songs they havnt been playing on tour appear, namely Gloria, Bad and Original of the species.

Don't look up on your movie screens
In record stores or magazines
Close your eyes and you will see
That you are all you really need
JBJ - I believe

"Sambora's face is a mask of joyous disbelief, as if previously unaware of his ability to play the instrument at all. Reaching the last fistful of notes, he does a fair impression of a man who is actually ejaculating into his jet black flares."
. . . Ben Mitchell, Q Magazine
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Old 06-30-2005, 01:05 PM
Krycek Krycek is offline
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Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair

The band didnt play anything off Pop, so i dont know what your on about.

They play a few weird songs that I didn't have a clue what they were, I asked the guy beside me and he said he thought they were from Pop, so

Told you I wasn't a U2 fan.......... :P

It seems these days theres so much negativity going on in the world. I dont know maybe being a hopeless romantic or an optimist isnt fashionable but to me those stars up there were just that close,so i couldnt help but sit down with Richie and write this song and so for all the believers out there we're not a dying breed.This is called These Days~JBJ
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Old 06-30-2005, 02:27 PM
Neurotica80 Neurotica80 is offline
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Originally Posted by Krycek
Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair

The band didnt play anything off Pop, so i dont know what your on about.

They play a few weird songs that I didn't have a clue what they were, I asked the guy beside me and he said he thought they were from Pop, so

Told you I wasn't a U2 fan.......... :P

Yeah I was unsure on those too I THINK they were from their first album after checking previous setlists.

Im Seeing U2 at L8, they'll only be playing 3-4 songs, im guessing Vertigo will be a certainty, I really hope we get Streets or Pride though instead of Sunday bloody sunday.
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Old 06-30-2005, 07:43 PM
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Thanks for the review! Im pretty exited to see them for the first time in july
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