Originally Posted by Talking In Your Sleep
I was wondering why David Bryan was only allowed to be a songwriter on the first two albums. We got "Love Lies" and "Breakout" from the debut (1984). And "Only Lonely", "The Hardest Part Is the Night" and "To the Fire" from 7800° Fahrenheit (1985).
After that he was basicly done apart from "In These Arms" (1992) and "Last Cigarette" (2005).
So credits for several songs on the first two albums and then suddenly not much input anymore. Anyone any idea what caused this? I know Jon and Richie became a better songwriting team after the first two albums, but why neglect Davids ideas? The songs he co-wrote were really cool.
I remember reading an interview with Jon ages ago where he commented the dynamics of their songwriting partnership.
He said David is a very talented guy but their chemistries didn’t blend in too well when writing together. It was only when he started to write with Richie that he realized he had found the perfect cowriter.
Haven’t seen the actual interview, though. Just an article on some magazine. So this may not be 100% coming from Jon’s mouth.