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15 August 2000 - Zeltweg, Austria Concert Review 16 August 2000
Austria is Bon Jovi country

A review by Tom /

It was the second time I saw Bon Jovi - Live after their "These Days-Tour" ´95. And it was so much better.
Around 40.000 people couldn't wait to see them live on stage. The crowd was brilliant and the band was much better. After the opener "Livin'" and "Bad name" (there can't be a better opener) they played some from the new album: "Captain Crash", "Say it isn't so", "One wild night". Then the 2,3,4 count and "Born to be my baby". The crowd went crazy when Jon said, "We have a new album in stores and I know you have heard the following song: "It's...My...Life!" This was the most emotional moment when 80.000 hands pushed in the air!
Then it went slower with "Runaway" (acoustic) and "Bed of Roses" and Richie showed us how to play the guitar perfect.
The next change to faster music was "I got the girl" and "Just Older" followed by "Someday I'll be Saturday night". Jon went of stage to get a "Stars-Bangle-Banner" scarf on his head and the band introduced "Wild in the streets". With "Lay your hands on me" as next song Jon jumped to the crowd and sang the song next to the people in the front row. The end of the main part was "Someday I'll be Saturday night/Rockin' all over the world" and Bed Medicine/Shout" and the crowd went orgastic.
After a few stop they came back with "Livin' in sin" with scenes of the video on the screens. "Blood on Blood" and "Wanted Dead Or Alive". Completed the first encore.
But we didn't want him to go. It was so emotional when the crowd tried their best to bring them back. They came with "Next 100 Years" and Richie "The god of the lead guitar". "Keep the faith" should be the finish. But we didn't want to go home and Jon asked if we wanted more. The answer was clear and "These Days" was the emotional highlight and the end of a brilliant, perfect, 2 hours and 40 minutes show!! And he promised he will be back!
He showed us to Rock and Austria is waitin' til the day we will see you again.

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