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Old 07-31-2013, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by TwinFan View Post
Where was it ever implied that you had to be a musician to be a Bon Jovi fan? Yes, it was a discussion more for people who understand this type of talk and music theory, but by no means was it aimed to belittle those who aren't musicians

Like Captain Jovi said, even a discussion on the music has turned into a ****fest. Come on, people.
Calm down it wasn't aimed at you...
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Old 07-31-2013, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain Walrus View Post
I don't know if you've noticed, but you frequently "get a hard-on" by lording your knowledge of the band over others. But surprise surprise, you don't like it when the same happens to you

There's a thread in NBJ about football / soccer. I'm not a big football fan. Which of these should I do: a) go into that thread and post "yeah, im not a football fan, lets change the conversation into something I can contribute to", or b) just not post in that thread?
This. Every damn thread on this board ought to stop being derailed.
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Old 07-31-2013, 01:59 PM
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I think it's mostly about being uninspired. Writing for the sake of writing ("It's a craft"). The songs have become vehicles to push political and social views and to fill albums, so they can tour promoting new material, tho' relying mostly on the hits.

Jon probably can barely string 5 chords together, but he used to do it so well. A testament to this is the Blaze of Glory album, solely written by him, but I doubt I'd find a single person who'd say the compositions are repetitive or lack in quality.

The hook to good songwriting isn't using bizarre chord progressions or littering the sheets with maj7-5 chords; I'd say it's the (vocal) melody in relation to the chords and the rhythm of both. Also not being afraid of going back and forth. Bad songwriters find themselves in dead ends with songs when they try to push forward when there's nowhere left to go. Great examples of these kind of chord structures are in the verses of Wanted (going back n forth on the C's and G's) and the chorus of Saturday night (I iV V Vi, but the chord changes occur 11 times during the chorus).

Also changing the chords on the beat makes the songs boring. Bad name, Prayer, Bad Medicine, Sleep etc. (and many pre-2000 songs) have a great groove and uniqueness to them, 'cause the chords move around the beat.
*Thru the years and miles between us, it's been a long and lonely ride, but if I got that call in the dead of night, I'd be right by your side*
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Old 07-31-2013, 04:07 PM
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22nd June 2008, City of Manchester Stadium.
19th June 2010, The O2 Arena, London.
26th June 2010, The O2 Arena, London.
8th June 2013, Manchester Ethiad Stadium.
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Old 07-31-2013, 04:12 PM
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It's been obvious for a while that Bon Jovi have been quite scientific in their approach to making music but when you start to lift back to covers a bit more it's scary just how uninspired it's all become.
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Old 07-31-2013, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Matrix15 View Post
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That's bullshit. They had to slow down HAND, cut verses and repeat verses to get it to line up with It's My Life. No one ever said the songs weren't similar, but that can be said of many artists, including the almighty U2.
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Old 07-31-2013, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by danfan View Post
That's bullshit. They had to slow down HAND, cut verses and repeat verses to get it to line up with It's My Life. No one ever said the songs weren't similar, but that can be said of many artists, including the almighty U2.
Exactly! That viral audio of linking up two Nickelback songs took a lot of doctoring to prove the point. If you have to edit a song and change the arrangement then the point isn't made as clear as you'd think.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 07-31-2013, 04:59 PM
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This sums it up about as well as anything:

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Old 07-31-2013, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain Walrus View Post
I don't know if you've noticed, but you frequently "get a hard-on" by lording your knowledge of the band over others. But surprise surprise, you don't like it when the same happens to you

There's a thread in NBJ about football / soccer. I'm not a big football fan. Which of these should I do: a) go into that thread and post "yeah, im not a football fan, lets change the conversation into something I can contribute to", or b) just not post in that thread?
Bottom line, 98% of the people here were insulted by 2 members from the 2nd & 4th post. This is where your derailment started. Multiple people commented back but for some reason, I was the one called out. If my one post went a little off topic, so what? It takes 20 seconds to read a post. If you don't like where it's going within the first 5, move on to the next one. It's not like I do it all the time. Other members made comments as well.

If you want my honest opinion, the reason why this is continuing on is because of the Mods. You guys are adding fuel to the fire. Sometimes people just need to say what they say and it's over. I know the goal was to stop this from escalating into anything big but I don't think this post was going to. You should have just had the 2 offenders edit their comments. By you guys continuing to go back at me, your causing me to say more (as I am now) and other members too.

Finally, you have me pegged all wrong. I love learning new thing about this band. There are some really great members here with vast knowledge. I don't respond to every post either by choice. However you missed my overall point..... There was a post that only 4 people were intelligent enough to comment on. I happened to respond and got ripped for it. So what I was saying was, it shouldn't be in this section if only 4 members are allowed to comment on it. It's a public forum so everyone should be allowed. Anyway, this is getting stupid and just carrying on.

However, I do want this to get back on point because I actually enjoy reading about this topic.
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Old 07-31-2013, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by rockingguy82 View Post
This sums it up about as well as anything:
That was cool
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