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Old 07-14-2017, 10:58 PM
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Default Listing To The Entire Catalog Live

So I put together my own collaboration of live albums. Basically including performances that have the perfect balance between audio quality and performance quality, as well as making sure they stay as close to the original time of release as possible... The hits and popular songs are a little easier but once you start looking for the rarities, that gets a little more challenging...

It's a constant work in progress but I actually prefer Soundboard over Bootleg unless Soundboard isn't available... Because this isn't my greatest live hits collection, I tend to go for easy listening...For the most part, it's cut and dry but you do run into those one off situations where it's tough to choose...

If there are acoustic versions, I'll usually include those at the end as bonus tracks... Example: There is nothing like an Acoustic rendition of Never Say Goodbye but you can't ignore the full band one either.

I don't really have these songs labeled once I add them and I do that on purpose so I can't judge them based on anything but the performance itself. Most are just soundboard performance that I really enjoy anywhere between TV Promo Appearances to Bsides.

The point of this thread is to just give little updates as I listen throughout... Not album by album or song by song, just general observations...
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Last edited by Rdkopper; 07-14-2017 at 11:26 PM..
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Old 07-14-2017, 11:24 PM
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With around 220 songs making up this collection, it's going to be a quick listen. In one day, I already finished up to New Jersey...

Bon Jovi were / are the perfect live band... Even dating back to the first two albums, Jon was such a great live singer... I could understand if someone's not a fan of those albums but you shouldn't ignore the talent Jon had back then as a singer. He could really deliver a song like no one else. The passion he poured into each song takes so much discipline. He really went from a singer to a vocalist in the 80's and the kid was built to be a front-man... The first full album exists however only 5 soundboard and 2 decent bootlegs exist from the second album.

Slippery is almost complete in SBD. I'm just missing one, Without Love...

Another point I'd like to make is, I don't mind the playback chorus they did during Prayer and wouldn't even mind if they still used it today... With today's internet and social media, Jon would get destroyed if he did but I don't mind blending some studio tracks with live ones as long as the balances is 85% live & 15% studio... Some people think Live should be Live, no excuses... I just want it to sound great and hearing Jon strain doesn't sound great... The Beatles ignored a lot of their later catalog live because they couldn't perform it but if they just used a playback, we'd have some great live stuff to listen to this day. We all know they could sing so why not!!!!

I actually have a completed New Jersey with a mix of Soundboards and some great Audience Bootlegs, including The Boys Are Back In Town... This is one of the best listens ever. During this tour, Living In Sin and I'll Be There For You could go down as some of the best live music ever sung in history. Jon is a ****ing Powerhouse!!!

In summary, even if you're not a fan of certain albums, they take on a whole different life when they are performed live and I even grew to love songs that I wasn't crazy about at first after Jon killed them live... More to follow on that with some of the later albums/songs...
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Last edited by Rdkopper; 07-14-2017 at 11:28 PM..
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Old 07-17-2017, 08:51 PM
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Finished up to and including Crush... You almost forget how great they once were until you listen to these live recordings...

Faith and These Days... Never mind how you feel about these albums, the live performances are fricking insane... It's not perfect... It's close but there are some cracks and missed notes here and there but the range, screams, passion, and delivery is crazy... This is what you put on if you want to enjoy great music and this is Rock N Roll. Unlike the live music we currently get today, where you have to close your eyes and hold your breath, this music is pure bliss... I'm happy with a lot of the bootlegs I have from both tours but I just wish I had more of the other album tracks... I'd love to hear If That's What It Takes, Hearts Breakin Even, among many others during Jon's prime... I'm just thankful for the beautiful bootleg we have of If I Was Your Mother.

Destination Anywhere... I still struggle with this one... For starters, I'm not a big fan of this album because it's too doctored up with studio effects. ie the drum machines... so when some of that is stripped away live, I tend to enjoy those versions much more... There are some songs that I really learned to enjoy because of the live versions like It's Just Me and Naked but others that never really came to life like Every Word Was A Piece Of My Heart... That's my favorite track on the album but I have never heard a live version that I truly enjoyed... Maybe if Jon did this song with Bon Jovi the band and not The Big Dogs, it might be somewhat better. I guess I'll never know... However overall, very enjoyable live album tracks...

Crush... Jon still has some great chops here... Maybe not as crazy as his Faith and These Days prime but he still pulls out a lot of surprises... I think because of Crush the album starting that Post 2000 trend, fans tend to lump his vocals into that dominated opinion of decline but in reality, Jon still had power and it comes through on a lot of these performances... Again, forget how you feel about the album, but listen to a live version of The Next 100 Years for example and you'll remember how great a band they really were back then... Or how Jon's vocals radiate the end of Say It Isn't So or turn an okay studio track like Thank You For Loving Me into an amazing live song (Toronto 2000)... Unfortunately, songs like Just Older & Captain Crash dominate the sets now a days an make you forget about all the other great live performances back then... Even Capt Crash had a different feel compared to what it morphed into today but you could pretty much say that about any song from WAN down...
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Last edited by Rdkopper; 07-18-2017 at 04:30 AM..
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Old 07-18-2017, 10:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
There are some songs that I really learned to enjoy because of the live versions like It's Just Me and Naked but others that never really came to life like Every Word Was A Piece Of My Heart... That's my favorite track on the album but I have never heard a live version that I truly enjoyed... Maybe if Jon did this song with Bon Jovi the band and not The Big Dogs, it might be somewhat better. I guess I'll never know... However overall, very enjoyable live album tracks...
Guess you've heard this one? Incredible performance of a great song.
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Old 07-20-2017, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by DryCounty View Post
Guess you've heard this one? Incredible performance of a great song.
I did... and it's just okay for me... not that it matters much but this performance is also 12 years later and this particular collection tries to focus on songs that are performed around time of release...

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Old 07-29-2017, 04:24 PM
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With the other "Live Soundboard thread" diverting my music listening for the past week or so, I lost track of this but now I'm back on it...

I left off at Crush and I'm up to Lost Highway (a few songs in).

Although I have a love / hate relationship with Bounce, this is the one album where I could say that the live version don't enhance my listening pleasure... It's all kinda the same for me with a lot of songs and I could even say that I would rather hear the studio versions with most songs... Everyday, Bounce, Misunderstood, are better on the album... Joey and Right Side Of Wrong are equally painful either way... I don't have good boots of the few love songs. You Had Me From Hello is from the abandoned Strum As You Are version and Open All Night is from 2010 which is one of my weakest sounding boot on this entire collection... Go figure because this is the one song that I actually really enjoy more that the album version so if anyone has some suggestions on decent sounding boots, please let me know... Finally, I'll take the heavier songs over the album versions. The Distance, Hook Me Up, and Undivided but it's still a small margin... Overall, not a bad listen... It's just that, how I feel about the album is exactly how I feel about the live versions...

I really want to be able to enjoy this album... Even if it's just a mood album / listen... I definitely appreciate these songs more in a live setting... There are actually some songs that I like... I don't mind hearing Wanted with the Zeppelin guitar... I like Bad Name, Bad Medicine, IML, and with that girl not partaking on the live version of Prayer, I could deal with that one too... As a matter of fact, if a live version of just the above got released as an EP, I might actually call this a brilliant move... Once you get to BOR, LYHOM, Everyday, Etc, it all goes wrong... It's like they came up with a bunch of shit to finish an album... The reconditions are horrible, Jon's voice is creditworthy on LYHOM, and BOR is basically the same version with the passion stripped from it... It's clearly the note dodge version... I guess this truly is a Love / Hate live album too...

Box Set:
This is a nice redemption after the above... I'm not going to put too much pressure on these songs because of the one time performance... Although I actually always thought that historically, Jon sounds best on his songs when he first performs them. It's like he gets lazy and takes vocal shortcuts after the fact... Overall, they picked the best songs considering Jon's voice at the time. We are only talking about a handful of songs here but overall I like what I hear... I also included Rich Man from the acoustic performance he did a couple of years back.

I really appreciate this album live... I have a lot of great sounding boots that completes this album for me. I enjoyed it so much that I might listen to most of it again. My biggest complaint with this album is, every song kinda blends together... This is one of the problems with Shanks... When you hear them live, they take on more power and Jon sounds great on these tracks... I always said that this is the last period of Jon's youthful, less staged, passionate rock-star days...

Lost Highway:
I'm about halfway through it. I got lazy and just used the Chicago show from the DVD... This takes of the same fate with me as does Destination Anywhere... They take on a more of a rock feel live which is more enjoyable... Kudos to Jon for playing the entire album live and sounding pretty darn close on most tracks... This is my least favorite album however Memory is my favorite post 2000 track... Jon owned this song live and this was one of their last hits (minor) in America... If I'm going to listen to Lost Highway, it's going to be the live versions... Any Other Day is a stand out live track for me along with a couple others... I still don't rank it high but at the same time, I don't mind it either...
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Last edited by Rdkopper; 07-29-2017 at 04:28 PM..
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Old 07-30-2017, 06:37 AM
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The Circle & GHs:

Although there were only 9 songs off the album that were performed live, I really enjoyed every one of them... TC tour was a good vocal period for Jon... Love's The Only Rule is beyond fantastic... Although my live collection has a Soundboard Version, Philly is probably my all time favorite performance of that song... TC is one of those albums that keeps creeping up on me and I continue to like it more and more with each listen, even 8 years later... These Days did the same thing for me and it was the live versions that made me really fall for that album years after its release.. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same...

The GH tracks are really just bonus Circle tracks.. I happen to have all 5 versions in some sort of live format which also come to life more live... The studio versions are so ampted up on Shanks Steroids, it's nice to get a more natural rock sound... I do think there are more playbacks included with the live versions and probably the reason for the short shelf life however overall, all 14 tracks are great live tracks... A great period for the band..

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Old 07-30-2017, 07:08 PM
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WAN, Burning Bridges, & THINFS...

WAN: This is one of those albums that I enjoyed in the beginning because it was new and then the opposite happened due to the negative energy surrounding it and now that 4 years have passed, I really like it a lot. There is not one live song performed from this album that I dislike, including Amen and Army Of One....Although a handful weren't performed, the ones that were are excellent... Jon still sounds great during the London and German promo shows which is where most of the content stems from... Richie harmonizes with Jon so much, I think this is really the missing link to the live music now (or at least everything performed prior to BB)... Anyway for those not crazy about the album, pick your best live performances and give that a shot... I think you'd be somewhat satisfied...


Not too much content was performed... 2 acoustic boots, Real Love and Fingerprints, and then a SBD of We Don't Run... I really don't have an opinion... a stripped down acoustic version of any song Jon does now doesn't compare to the studio tracks but I'm happy to have something at least...

I took the lazy approach with this one too and used London... I want to revise it with other Soundboards from the tour... This is a great album and I think Jon shocked everyone by performing every song from the new album as well as he did..

A little off topic but I'm looking forward to this next leg... Instead to Jon rushing through 70 plus shows in a year, he's going to break it up between two... A couple of months at a time... When I was listening to The Fighter from Philly, you can really hear how raw his vocals were which lead to a cancellation so this is the smart way of doing it...

In summary, great live band... Even to this very day... Jon's always strongest with his first time performances of songs... I recommend others to put together their own... it's a constant work in progress revising the best performances and best qualities but it's an enjoyable hobby...

The End

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Last edited by Rdkopper; 07-30-2017 at 07:12 PM..
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Old 07-31-2017, 03:29 PM
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Below are all the songs that Jon NEVER performed live from any of his Studio Albums... I'm talking about the basic 12 standard (or less) tracks. Even though he performed some bonus tracks here and there, I'm still not including the ones he didn't. Again, basic 12 standard tracks. Format/Type doesn't matter... Band, Solo, Acoustic, Bootleg, Snippet.

7800° Fahrenheit:
The Price of Love
To the Fire
Secret Dreams

Slippery When Wet:
Without Love

Keep the Faith:
Woman in Love

These Days:
Hearts Breaking Even
If That's What It Takes

Save the World
She's a Mystery

Love Me Back to Life

The Circle
Live Before You Die
Fast Cars
Learn To Love

What About Now
Pictures of You
Beautiful World
Room at the End of the World

Burning Bridges:
A Teardrop to the Sea
Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning
We All Fall Down
Who Would You Die For
Life Is Beautiful
I'm Your Man
Burning Bridges


Blaze of Glory:
Justice in the Barrel
You Really Got Me Now
Dyin' Ain't Much of a Livin

Destination Anywhere:
Learning How to Fall

For the Box Set, I just listed all the song Jon actually did perform:
Why Aren't You Dead
The Radio Saved My Life Tonight
Open All Night
Miss Fourth of July
Rich Man Living in a Poor Man's House
Good Guys Don't Always Wear White
Love Ain't Nothing But a Four Letter Word
I Get A Rush
These Arms Are Open All Night
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Old 07-31-2017, 04:54 PM
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Too bad because some of them are my favourites
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