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Old 08-11-2004, 04:35 AM
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I don't think we are gonna get a 15 or 16 track album of new material from Bon Jovi.
oh and I want a Rock album.simple as that.
a good album has it's ballads or at least it's slow moments, so I would want that.
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Old 08-11-2004, 11:40 AM
Jonty Jonty is offline
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I said 4 ballads cos I would like to see 15 or 16 tracks on the album, I also stated they have to be up to scratch of the earlier songs not recent ones. We all want them to get a number 1 over here so to do that it will have to a song of Prayer proportions but one that is going to appeal to th emajority, not just BJ fans. eg I mention bout Chillis, I wasn't a massive fan, I am a Bonjovi fan through and through but I decided to buy their new album cos they have some very good rock songs. Snow Patrol is another band - evryone heard of them - fair enough they are a local band for me but I didn't like them but I still bought their single Run cos it was fantastic. So BJ have to release that perfect single which is going to appeal to most. I don't believe everyday was ever going to make number 1 to be honest - Undivided or the Distance may have though Everyday rocked a lot more on tour than it did in the studio versions. Maybe a little more promo work to!!
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Old 08-11-2004, 11:50 AM
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Aloha !

The next album will have 12 tracks.

Salaam Aleikum,
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:35 PM
peewee peewee is offline
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Jon can't reach high notes no more. So what we should expect are more songs like We can dance, Breathe or lucky which haven't got those high notes.

This, moreover, means that Jon and Richie won't write more epic songs like Prayer, even It's my life and no more power ballads. It's sad but true. Jon will have a little time for handle his voice before they release another studio album. If he is clever enough he'll quit smoking. But I think it's too late.

Whish I'm wrong

Sorry for my english. Greetings from Barcelona.
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Old 08-12-2004, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by peewee
Jon can't reach high notes no more. So what we should expect are more songs like We can dance, Breathe or lucky which haven't got those high notes.

This, moreover, means that Jon and Richie won't write more epic songs like Prayer, even It's my life and no more power ballads. It's sad but true. Jon will have a little time for handle his voice before they release another studio album. If he is clever enough he'll quit smoking. But I think it's too late.

Whish I'm wrong

Sorry for my english. Greetings from Barcelona.
Since when was Prayer and epic song?

OK, so no, he can't reach the high notes any more. Not to the same extent. However, he can still do the rock vocals more than adequately IMO (Undivided for example, mostly the second verse. Or Keep The Faith live). But either way, all I see that as meaning is we're not going to get a remake of their earlier work. The songs will have to be modulated to take their new standards into account, and this is what will make the difference in their musical direction, which I think is a good thing. You don't need to scream to make a rock album y'know

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Old 08-13-2004, 12:38 AM
Satiner Satiner is offline
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I believe Bon Jovi can do whatever they want to do, but it's all about what
THEY think, their RECORD COMPANY thinks, the PRODUCERS think !!!
If Jon doesn't want a song on the album, it's not there!!
And I believe that Jon & Co has lost the feel for the "no-credibillity"
song-writing (meaning hits)!!!

When a band cares about the reviews, they're pretty much
loosing it, exept for bands like REM or U2 who is a critics band.
Paul Stanley (KISS) once said :My house is built on bad reviews and YOU
should see MY house!!!!

Bon Jovi has never been a critics-band and that may be a another achievement Jon is "trying" to embrace .....

And just like KISS ; it's like they think that the heavier sound you have, the younger you'll seem to the public !!! Sad ..... and not true !!!

They should get rid of these young songwriters they've been collaborating with....
Just because N'sync, Britney etc... had a hit with songs they've written doesn't mean that a Rock-band will .....
You can hear the similarites in the chorus of "Everyday" next to "Bye,Bye" (N'sync) ... same songwriter ....

They should hook up with Desmond Child and go back a couple of years
and realize that the 80's is on it's way back (big-time) and they were
the biggest thing in the eighties since slice bread !!!!!

They did it then and I believe in my heart that they can do it again!!!!!
They're the BEST!!!!!!
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Old 08-13-2004, 01:31 PM
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The 80's are on their way back?

Um, if you say so

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Old 08-13-2004, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic
Aloha !

If Bon Jovi will be rocking like the Peppers on their new album, they've really lost it.

Salaam Aleikum,

**** you...i wanted to say that!

Well I'll say it again: If Bon Jovi will be rocking like the Peppers on their new album, they've really lost it.
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Old 08-13-2004, 11:29 PM
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I want a second NEW JERSEY..that easy!
And I don't care if it sells 100.000 or one billion....I mean, who cares???!!? besie this guy Jonty???
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Old 08-13-2004, 11:32 PM
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Aloha !

I've actually never seen The Peppers as a good rock band. I've never seen them as a good band anyway.

Salaam Aleikum,
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have a nice day

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