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Old 07-09-2005, 01:56 AM
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Default Tom Cruise

Ok, I promise I am not just a bitter, jealous, old witch! I truly do worry about Katie Holmes.

Tom Cruise clearly has gone mad (mildly put) and poor Katie Holmes is completely sucked into that warped semi-reality he lives in. Having a church person follow your every step is mighty dangerous in my opinion. It's classic brainwashing and I say one of the guys here need to step in and 'rescue' Katie!!

The fact that he is 42 and she is 26 is disturbing enough, but he truly outed himself not only as an idiot, but a very very dangerous disturbed man.

1.) Katie is not the only one he tried to lure into the fangs of the church of scientology, but she was the one that bit. Hook, line and sinker.

2.) With all due respect, but I don't think he's got much more to offer than money and a pretty face. Certainly not much brainpower. Yet, nobody understand psychiatry like he does????

3.) He is a psycho that endangers the lives of millions of women and children (well the ones that take him seriously). Postpartum depression is nonexistant? The ****er can't even make children, not to mention giving birth to them, yet he knows about postpartum depression?

4.) Ritalin equates to street drugs? Hello? I pity his children.

5.) Instead of taking anti-depressants, people should take vitamins? WTF?

6.) God, I am sooo proud of Nicole Kidman getting rid of that delusional piece of flesh. (second page regarding his shit with Brooke Shields)
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Old 07-09-2005, 02:48 AM
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I have nothing more to addd but - Amen The guy is seriously skewed.


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Old 07-09-2005, 04:43 AM
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I did not know this dude was so messed up.
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Old 07-09-2005, 04:54 AM
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Cruise: And I won't talk about what I don't want to talk about. And it just doesn't matter. It comes down to the movie, you know. And I also feel, Matt, I'm living my life. And I feel fortunate, you know. I feel really fortunate. And I'm excited.

Cruise: Yeah. But here's the point. I don't even get into that game. I'm just living my life, Matt. It's something that — I mean, I'm living my life. And I'm doing the best that I can, and doing it in a way that I feel is right. I like hearing good news, you know. I like hearing, you know, if something good happens to you, it's nice. I like sitting here talking to you

is this guy writing with Bon Jovi
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Old 07-09-2005, 05:34 AM
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During that interview with Matt Lauer, Tom appeared totally wacko with the way he looked and what he said. I don't know what the heck happened to him.
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Old 07-09-2005, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Mousebounce
During that interview with Matt Lauer, Tom appeared totally wacko with the way he looked and what he said. I don't know what the heck happened to him.
I didn't see any of the interviews, but my friend relayed all the pertinent info

It does seem that he is on the manic wave of bipolar depression - classic symptoms, down to the denial.

Oh the irony LOL.

Why won’t you say something now
Don’t leave me hanging
Cut me down
I miss the fire that was once in your eyes
Well come on and say something now
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Old 07-09-2005, 07:14 AM
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The guy needs a serious whack up the side of the head with a 2 by thing to have beliefs/opinions...quite another to be so arrogantly determined that you are right and the other person is a dick head. Matt Lauer must have thought 'man I so wanna whack this twit right now'

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Old 07-09-2005, 08:21 AM
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Well, the dude was hilarious at Oprah - you got to give him that.

Anyway, found this earlier on the net:

Sunday, June 05, 2005
An Open Letter to Tom Cruise

Dear Tom,

Stop it. Just stop.

We miss the old Tom Cruise. Remember him? He danced in his tightie-whities and felt the need for speed and proved he could handle the truth and showed us the money. He had us at hello.

This new guy? Certifiably ****ing nutters.

We're not quite sure if Scientology has rotted your brain from the inside out, but that's possibly the only explanation for your crazy behavior. Somebody's got to set you straight, Tom. You're really freaking us out.

1) Katie Holmes is not your soulmate. She's probably a lovely girl (even with the herpes) but you've known her for precisely eight minutes—and she's young enough to be your daughter. She just got out of a five year relationship, and you're already flying her around the world in your private jet and moving her into your house and humping her leg on Oprah. (Did you not see the fear in her eyes??) This brings me to point number two.

2) Do not pull that jumping-on-the-couch shit again. Ever. It doesn't make you look in love. It makes you look really creepy and like maybe you need to be placed in a padded room. And it really doesn't bode well for those gay rumors. Twelve-year-old girls jump on couches. Tom Cruise does not.

3) If you're trying to keep up the whole "manly" thing, don't start a catfight with Brooke Shields, okay? Trust me on this one. You came off like a big asshole and Brooke wiped the floor with you. Pretend it never happened and just move on.

4) You love Scientology. We get it. Now shut the **** up about it. Nobody cares.

5) Finally—and I know this is going to be painful to hear—your publicist sucks. Fire her immediately. Yes, I know she's your sister. Fire her now. Do you know what she told the New York Times after your little "performance" on Oprah? She said, "The response we've gotten back is complete enthusiasm and exhilaration for his enthusiasm and exhilaration." WTF? Who are these liars she's talking to? I know she doesn't have any formal training as a publicist, so please explain to her that asking people on your payroll what they think doesn't count. Fire her ass immediately, and crawl back to Pat Kingsley on your hands and knees.

Enough is enough, Tom. We beg you to end this madness. If not for the fans, then do it for yourself. You're never going to win an Oscar riding the crazy train. Godspeed.


A Concerned Citizen

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Old 07-09-2005, 01:15 PM
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I never saw what all the fuss about him was anyway.

But I really can't see why people are so "outraged" at the age gap. I mean, they're both adults. It's like when people were outraged at Harrison Ford dating Calista Flockhart (are they still together?).
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Old 07-09-2005, 02:23 PM
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he does seem rather unhinged.....



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