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bonjovi90 04-07-2022 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1278681)
They didn't celebrate 10 years.
They didn't celebrate 20 years. (Yes, the Box Set coincided with that date. But the focus lay on the 100 million album milestone. And 1 one-off show isn't a celebration)
They didn't celebrate 30 years.

What makes you think they would celebrate 40 years?

Regarding Jon's vocals:
The later part of the Because We Can tour wasn't good anymore.
The short 2015 tour was bad.
The This House Is Not For Sale tour was worse.
The 2022 tour is a desaster.

What makes you think will happen that makes Jon able to go out with a bang?

Some of you here write that this tour makes Jon finally realize that it's better to give up touring because his vocals can't keep up anymore, his vocals can't even keep up for 15 dates.
What makes you think that same Jon has the idea to do another world tour to wave goodbye to the fans?

Sorry guys, this is daydreaming what you're doing.
When the band = Jon calls it quits, the public won't get to know. Because he just won't do it anymore. In best case he announces a break. And that break will get longer and longer and longer...

Simple answer: fanboy/girl dreams are easier to get lost into than looking the current status quo in the eye.

I'm actually kind of nervous about the back-to-back shows coming up since it'll be the first time without a break inbetween and that usually was able to affect him even in his decent times. Let's see how Saturday turns out then, I hope they don't cut three or four song out of the set all of a sudden.

Captain_jovi 04-07-2022 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1278681)
They didn't celebrate 10 years.
They didn't celebrate 20 years. (Yes, the Box Set coincided with that date. But the focus lay on the 100 million album milestone. And 1 one-off show isn't a celebration)
They didn't celebrate 30 years.

What makes you think they would celebrate 40 years?

Regarding Jon's vocals:
The later part of the Because We Can tour wasn't good anymore.
The short 2015 tour was bad.
The This House Is Not For Sale tour was worse.
The 2022 tour is a desaster.

What makes you think will happen that makes Jon able to go out with a bang?

Some of you here write that this tour makes Jon finally realize that it's better to give up touring because his vocals can't keep up anymore, his vocals can't even keep up for 15 dates.
What makes you think that same Jon has the idea to do another world tour to wave goodbye to the fans?

Sorry guys, this is daydreaming what you're doing.
When the band = Jon calls it quits, the public won't get to know. Because he just won't do it anymore. In best case he announces a break. And that break will get longer and longer and longer...

They didn't celebrate 10 and 20 because they still had successful albums to stand behind. They didn't celebrate 30 years because their lead guitar player split.
They will celebrate 40 (if they're still around) because they are a nostalgia act that on some deep down internal level understand people aren't going because they have a new album. I legit don't think they'll be around long enough for another album tour cycle so they'll put something out for the 40th (if they're still around) and call it a day.

I'm with you that I don't think 2 years from now is realistic BUT it makes all the sense in the world for them to signify 40 years even if they didn't do 10/20/30.

Faceman 04-07-2022 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1278683)
They didn't celebrate 10 and 20 because they still had successful albums to stand behind.

That would have made for an awesome big-bang-kind-of-celebration


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1278683)
They didn't celebrate 30 years because their lead guitar player split.

He's still MIA.
The people who cared about his departure back then, still care today.
The people who didn't give a fcuk about his departure back then, don't give a fcuk now either.


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1278683)
They will celebrate 40 (if they're still around) because they are a nostalgia act that on some deep down internal level understand people aren't going because they have a new album.

There's once again that hopeless romantic inside of you ;)


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1278683)
I legit don't think they'll be around long enough for another album tour cycle

I can't argue against that one.


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1278683)
so they'll put something out for the 40th (if they're still around) and call it a day.

I'm with you that they probably use another Box Set for celebration. But I don't see another tour happening, much less with an announcement of being a farewell tour.

Captain_jovi 04-07-2022 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1278685)

He's still MIA.
The people who cared about his departure back then, still care today.
The people who didn't give a fcuk about his departure back then, don't give a fcuk now either.

That wasn't really my point, sorry. I mean they couldn't celebrate 30 years and a new album without shining a HUGE light on the fact that the guitarist is missing with no idea of when or if he's coming back (at that point).

Now with him officially gone for a long time now, it's pretty clear he ain't coming back.

blazeofglory 04-07-2022 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1278681)
They didn't celebrate 10 years.
They didn't celebrate 20 years. (Yes, the Box Set coincided with that date. But the focus lay on the 100 million album milestone. And 1 one-off show isn't a celebration)
They didn't celebrate 30 years.

What makes you think they would celebrate 40 years?

Regarding Jon's vocals:
The later part of the Because We Can tour wasn't good anymore.
The short 2015 tour was bad.
The This House Is Not For Sale tour was worse.
The 2022 tour is a desaster.

What makes you think will happen that makes Jon able to go out with a bang?

Some of you here write that this tour makes Jon finally realize that it's better to give up touring because his vocals can't keep up anymore, his vocals can't even keep up for 15 dates.
What makes you think that same Jon has the idea to do another world tour to wave goodbye to the fans?

Sorry guys, this is daydreaming what you're doing.
When the band = Jon calls it quits, the public won't get to know. Because he just won't do it anymore. In best case he announces a break. And that break will get longer and longer and longer...

By going out with a bang I mean doing something big (like a big farewell tour) to end his (touring) career rather than just disappearing from the stage silently after playing a few random US shows here and there. Based on the kind of person Jon seems to be to me I just cannot imagine him being the type to just let his career fizzle out. He strikes me as someone who will want a clear-cut ending and closure instead of some undefined in-between state that's neither here nor there.

(And chances are he'll want the band's last big official show to be on their home turf, which they're completely forgoing on this current tour.)

The 40th anniversary would be a good way to get extra publicity and make this hypothetical farewell tour an even bigger deal. A band anniversary is one thing if you're still right in the middle of your career and you don't see yourself stopping or slowing down much any time soon (or your band is currently dealing with internal issues where a big anniversary celebration wouldn't really seem right), but it's a different thing when you're nearing the end of your career and you know it will most likely be the last big anniversary you'll have as an active touring act. You might as well make the most of it and milk it to the last drop before you retire.

JerseyGiant 04-07-2022 10:35 PM

Should they? Nah - Will they? Prop - As a big fan, I cant watch these vids, it genuinely makes me a little sad ... "I actually cant listen to Bon Jovi" that just sums it up �� ... Kudos to the poster up a bit who attended a show and had a good time tho! Never take that back if you enjoyed it ��

Rdkopper 04-08-2022 12:58 AM

I'm going to play devil's advocate here.

For starters, fans shouldn't stop themselves from going to a show because of Jon's vocals and more importantly, stop themselves from having a good time. It's still a night out. There is a before, during, and after that goes with the night.

Not all songs are equally as bad. Most fans are commenting on the rare tracks like Older, LTOR, ITA, etc. making it appear that the entire show is equally disastrous but there are some crowd pleasers that Jon still pulls off like It's My Life.

Bon Jovi is still a monster band up there that amplifies their sound like thunder and Jon is a legendary artist in front of them. Considering the fact that the end could happen at any moment, I'll probably attend more shows now than ever before.

Like I said, there is a "before". Walking into an arena with a bunch of fans, having a good time, checking out the merchandise, fans wearing the bon jovi gear, partying, listening to the Bon Jovi catelog, etc... It's a feeling that I can't explain but I've been doing it for literally 30 years and don't even know life without it. I have no regrets and didn't have a bad time in 2017 / 2018 and will have no regrets now in 2022.

The other thing I struggle with is bashing this Jerry character. I've watched a few of his YouTube Casts and he doesn't seem like a bad guy.

There are different levels of fandom. He falls into that backstage catagory but that's okay. He's not just about the music but more about the overall lifestyle within. He drops a lot of money on collectibles but he's also connecting with a ton a fans and making great friends. I don't think he's doing anything wrong. I know it's a little over the top and not for everyone but if that's his thing, then who cares. At the end of the day, we're all fans with the same interest.

Elvis had his best years, in the 50s 60s and even early 70s... but if someone offered me a time machine to go see Elvis in 1977, his worst year (before he passed), I'd be the first one on line... So Kudos for Jerry who is a late fan however is enjoying the time now. When he's 50, he'll be telling his 20 year old kids all about his Bon Jovi experiences. I think it's cool.

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liljovi93 04-08-2022 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1278696)

The other thing I struggle with is bashing this Jerry character. I've watched a few of his YouTube Casts and he doesn't seem like a bad guy.

There are different levels of fandom. He falls into that backstage catagory but that's okay. He's not just about the music but more about the overall lifestyle within. He drops a lot of money on collectibles but he's also connecting with a ton a fans and making great friends. I don't think he's doing anything wrong. I know it's a little over the top and not for everyone but if that's his thing, then who cares. At the end of the day, we're all fans with the same interest.

Sent from my SM-A015V using Tapatalk

The fella made fake accounts on Instagram and Twitter and started putting 'pedophile' comments to TV companies I worked with and parents who got their children to do the free online workouts I done during lockdown when they had no physical education.

He then made various YouTube accounts and was joining my live streams doing the same and disliking the videos as many times as he could.

He then seen his arse when I done some tracking and got police involved. After I blocked him on everything, he then tried messaging through Skype which we done a podcast on doing the whole 'I am sorry for how we have been' - he done all of that because I said I didn't like a certain live performance. That was it.

I've got every bit of proof I need to know it was him. IP addresses, location of views, location of hits on my website, location of comments, the lot.

He could have ruined my business I've worked extremely hard for over the last 8/9 years. I worked as a PE teacher for 5 years too. That could have been ruined.

The fella is a disgusting human who I'm praying does a UK show when the band come around next.

Sorry to go off on one everyone but I'm sick of people saying how nice he seems. It's a front. There's a reason he has a restraining order from a backstreet boys member and there's a reason he blocks people who said bad stuff about the band. Simple.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

steel_horse75 04-08-2022 08:45 AM

Thing is with this Jerry is that I’m pretty sure every band has their media cheerleaders and I get that.
I’ve seen a few for GNR, Crue, Foos etc and a few newer bands but imo there’s a certain way you should conduct yourself on social media.
You are always going to get idiots so just block them but he will block fans with such venom and hatred because you don’t like something the band put out or have said a live performance is poor. That’s not right. Especially if you are representing the band and have contacts within the bands organisation. It doesn’t look good for the band.
Of course whoever is giving him signed guitars, front row tickets, signed albums to give away, getting all his questions answered etc etc is pretty blatant about it and people are starting to notice.

I always thought the guy was a little odd and when 2020 came out he asked for views and I replied something like "I’ve listened and it’s not for me. I didn’t think they could make a worse album than THINFS but they have" and instantly I was blocked with a ton of abuse.

What he has done in the above post is truly awful and something that couldve ruined someones life and all over song/album/performance you say isnt working for you.

Does Jon really want that type of person associated with the band?

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Eveline 04-08-2022 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 1278698)
Sorry to go off on one everyone but I'm sick of people saying how nice he seems. It's a front. There's a reason he has a restraining order from a backstreet boys member and there's a reason he blocks people who said bad stuff about the band. Simple.

I don't want to add fuel to the fire but I need to say it out loud. You made a lot of fun of him back in the day, laughing at his questions to Phil, etc. Your following is probably as big as his, he probably felt humiliated, especially when the guy is so insecure, yet his ego is bigger than the Sun. I took your side, you even wanted to make a podcast with me. Later on, when I openly commented on Jon's interviews, in which he bashed Richie, I was banned from JoviTalk as well. Speaking of blocking people. You're not an innocent victim, Jay. Obviously the guy seems unhinged and revengeful, but I gotta say things are never black and white.

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